Hello. I wanted to mention another possibility. It may not qualify as cheap, but it's a lot cheaper than the one mentioned previously, which uses a York compressor turned by an electric motor. The company is Extreme Outback Products and they make a compressor called the Extremeair Magnum. It's about $590 on their website, although they do have somewhat less expensive models available with a little less capability. I have one that I ran on a '67 CJ5 for a while. The CJ had, I believe, 35" tires. I would run them down to about 10lbs. It pumped them up if a fairly reasonable time. I never timed it, but I remember it as not being that long. Compare this to my son who has 33" tires on his Wrangler and uses a portable compressor (clips that hook to the battery) and it seems to take him forever to pump up. I intend to install the Extremeair on my Bronco, but I mounted an ARB compressor for the locker in the best location for the Extremeair, so it's still sitting in my garage. I used a 5 gallon tank when it was on the Jeep. Regarding the heat, I initially used nylon air line and these "quick connect" connectors on the compressor. First time out, the line developed a leak. I quickly discovered that the nylon had melted where it went into the compressor head. I switched it out to a copper line and had no more troubles after that. Other than the compressor mentioned earlier, I think this has the best performance for an electric compressor you can get. Still, not cheap, but, to me, it was worth it as it was a good compromise between performance and not going through the headache of trying to mount a belt driven compressor. I picked up a used York years ago for that purpose, but never really wanted to spend the time to install it. On the Bronco, the compressor unit won't be too difficult to figure out where to mount it, but I don't know where I can mount a 5 gallon tank. Good Luck.