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Classic Ford Bronco - Bryan Rood what a joke


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2009
Hockessin, Delaware
Classic Ford Bronco after ripping off the uneducated, has stooped to new lows. Sold a Bronco on ebay where he was the high bidder, he said he can't purchase because I didn't move over the title to my name yet. Ok, he is a dealer and I understand. I said fine I will register tomorrow and send you a copy of the title in my name.....now he doesn't want it. What a joke, just another reason to avoid this one. %)%)%)

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Dave K.

Full Member
Sep 22, 2014
All of these wheeler-dealers are pretty much the same. I really wonder if the sold prices shown on that website are even true......


Bronco Guru
Sep 25, 2012
Wow...sticker shock...

I expected more from their builds, not something like what I see from the build threads here.

I guess when your clientele are professional athletes, the prices make sense. A few of them are pretty nice, with some cool upgrades. Not quite Icon level though.

If I had that kind of money, I'm still more impressed by the other builders here, even some of you not-professional ones!


Sr. Member
Apr 8, 2002
Lynchburg, VA
Classic Ford Bronco after ripping off the uneducated, has stooped to new lows. Sold a Bronco on ebay where he was the high bidder, he said he can't purchase because I didn't move over the title to my name yet. Ok, he is a dealer and I understand. I said fine I will register tomorrow and send you a copy of the title in my name.....now he doesn't want it. What a joke, just another reason to avoid this one. %)%)%)


So you sold him a bronco on eBay that wasn't titled in your name? Meaning you jumped titles and didn't pay the registration or sales tax? Not sure how things are done in your state but mine that would be a problem. Can't say I blame him for not wanting to purchase it after that. Especially as a dealer that's a big risk for him. He probably got cold feet and was concerned about the title and the legitimacy of the truck even after getting the title sorted out. Now if you're a dealer then that's a different story.
He definitely has some high priced rigs!! Or overpriced rigs I should say!


Bronco Guru
Dec 3, 2007
Well, wow what prices. I hate to see some of the stuff he's done to those rigs, but wow he is getting some big money. This is America and it's free enterprise at work. I do know that it takes a lot of hours to do the job right, and those hours must equate to dollars or there is no reason to be in business.

I might be able to part with mine for $100K. Though I drove it yesterday after work to a friends house and the usual happened...we are out in his drive and I am helping him sharpen the blades on his Kubota lawn tractor. Guy pulls up in a pickup "Hey, I've seen this Bronco driving around the area and I have just got to see it up close". I am like "Sure man, have a look". He said that a local guy he knows has a 72 with 29K original miles and was offered $25K for it but he wouldn't sell. I told this guy that I don't know what kind of money would get me to sell mine. Got too much blood and sweat into it.


Bronco Guru
Apr 18, 2012
Ozark, Alabama
I guess if he can do a decent build, jack the price to the roof and still sell them them kudos to him. Many people out there doing the same these days. Once the " superstars" get bored with them they will probably end up at a auction for half the price they paid, which is still to high for me to justify.

Beer and Fish

Bronco Guru
Jan 2, 2013
Bryan Rood just did the exact same thing to me. He told me to transfer the title now he won't return my calls or texts! Why spend two days going back and forth with texts and photos trying to come to a final number and agreement and then go AWOL? A simple call or text to tell me you lost interest would be legit.


New Member
Mar 13, 2014
I had a terrible experience with Bryan as well. Posted my Bronco online and he called and said that he wanted it. I deleted the post. He led me on for 4 weeks. I was very patient and understanding because he said he was going out town. After many phone calls and text, he would say that he can't talk and would call me back (which he never did) or just not answer the calls or text. I've got no problem if you change your mind, but at least be man enough to let me know!


Bronco Guru
Sep 4, 2005
Wow...these prices are getting crazy. Makes me want to spend at least a good $5000 to put some lipstick on my pig of an EB, then flip it for a crazy profit. Then again, I like it too much that I'll just keep her.

Beer and Fish

Bronco Guru
Jan 2, 2013
He's a kook. He told me the same "I'm going out of town B.S. I think he was heading to Nashville to party. His shop motto on the wall bigger than hell says "He who has the gold makes the Golden rule"


Bronco Maniac
Mar 30, 2007
It's obvious that these guys are just more overnight "Pro Builders" that put no heart into their builds and think they are the elite. Sad part is, they actually get business and have support from the newbies who don't know any better. There were a few others like this that have shown up in the last few years.