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Dana 20 with twin sticks - best practice guide


Jr. Member
Dec 26, 2017
Last year I changed out the Dana 20 j-shift for twin sticks. As advertised, makes shifting much easier. Thanks JB fabricating. What I am searching for is a guide for best D20 selection (high, low, front, rear drive shafts) on various terrains. Sand, paths, hills, mud, rock, uphill, downhill, etc... I've searched everywhere and can't locate a 'best practice' for different environments. With the twin stick increased selection of 'gearing' (8 'gear' choices?) I would think someone created a guide.

Example; I am planning on a trip to silver lake dunes (MI) in August. I haven't been there in 30 years, but if I recall you start at a sand hill with steep climb (need speed/rpm) to gain access to the dunes, then flatten out at places, more climbing at other. My LUBR (3" lift) doesn't see much 4-wheeling but I'd like to do more than just put it in 4h or 4L if there are better combinations. Anyone see a twin sticks best practices guide?


Sr. Member
Feb 11, 2007
For the sand dunes it will depend on your motor, transmission and axle gearing, I normaly run 4l and use 3 and 4th gear on my np435, if I'm in 4h I end up in 2nd and 3rd and the gear split isn't great for my combo. Coming off the dunes I will simply take the front axle out of gear if I'm in low or high.

This will change for me this year as I am in the middle of a transmission swap to a C-6/205 combo, it should end up a lot better but I really don't know if I'll end up using high or low range most of the time, I will sometimes play around in 2lo but it's easier to get stuck that way, I run paddles on the rear so it isn't normally a problem for me.

What I'm saying is there is really no hard set rules as to when you should use different ranges.

Sent from my SM-T510 using Tapatalk


Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2007
I have 4R70W/NP205 combo and 2nd & 3rd gear in low range are what I usually run. Trans temps get out of hand if I run high range. run around mostly in 3rd gear and if I start slowing just dump it in 2nd to get the revs back up...


Bronco Influencer
Jun 24, 2007
Conejo Valley, Ca.
I never use 4 hi. I don’t have the HP to pull it off, especially in the sand. Everything else that I run, the auto trans will overheat very quickly running in 4hi. So for me, 99% of the time I’m in 4wd, it’s 4 low. And don’t get in the practice of using 2 low, it’s a huge strain on the drivetrain. The narrow width gears in the Dana 20 weren’t designed for it.



Bronco Guru
Jan 28, 2012
What you use will depend somewhat on conditions & what the weather has been. Hot and dry for a while & the sand gets soft & deep, If it's rained recently it will pack easier & provide more traction. My best practice is to try it & see - Different days different gear combos.


Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2007
Another thing to consider when playing in the sand is tire pressure. lower is better. Get a bigger footprint for flotation...
I'd start at 10-12 psi and see how it goes.