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EDIS crank trigger wheel "alignment"

Aug 30, 2007
Mount Holly, NC
I've found conflicting information on this, so hopefully someone could clear it up.

I have a 36 tooth trigger wheel from a EDIS 5.0 ford explorer. While tinkering with mouting it on my balancer i realized im not sure exactly where to align the Missing tooth. Ive heard its to be lined up with the keyway, some say it goes at the 0* mark on the balancer. others say to put the engine at top dead center and then align the missing mark with the CPS. I will be using the stock CPS in the stock location on a 5.0 edis explorer. What do i line up the missing tooth with?

Also ive heard that the sensor picks up the leading edge of the tooth, so that means i wouldn't mount it centered but off to one side so that the timing is accurate right?



Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
There is no adjustment. The wheel is press fit to the damper. The pickup only installs in one position. Put the parts on, you are done.

What are you working on anyway? Very few of us use the Explorer crank trigger setup.
Aug 30, 2007
Mount Holly, NC
i understand that there isn't any adjustment once the wheel is on, but what i was trying to say is that i ONLY have the wheel, not the whole explorer balancer with the wheel and crank pulley. I had a friend press the wheel itself off of the balancer, and we forgot about noting how it was pressed on(the oreintation of the missing tooth on the balancer) So now i need to put the trigger wheel on my nifty aftermarket 351w balancer and have no clue what the missing tooth is suppose to line up to.

Im working on puttin fuel injection on my 393 stroker that i built a few years back. I wanted to run a DIS system because i didn't want to worry about getting water in the distributor, the timing is more accurate, i believe it can provide more spark, and i think its cool and just different. I will most likely be using a mustang A9* family EEC, although i do have an explorer obd2 eec from a edis 5.0 along with the harness.

This stuff is new for me too, but im willing to learn and understand that its not a bolt on by any means.

edit*--this is going in a fullsize bronco, but the only people ive seen doing this swap in trucks have been on this website. I would apperciate any info or links to anyone who has completed an obd1 edis conversion on a small block ford, especially if its a detailed writeup with the necessary changes to the eec.


Mar 26, 2005
User "Lars" runs the OBD-I Mustang computer with EDIS. Another user, "Dave" is putting together the Explorer OBD-II EDIS. You can contact either to figure out what they are up to. If I can locate my Explorer balancer/pulley, I will post up what the orientation is.
Aug 30, 2007
Mount Holly, NC
thanks, I think i may have talked to lars before he got his up and running, ill shoot him a PM and see what he says. Anyone else out there done it with a mustang a9* eec?

Yeah, if you could take a look at your balancer, and maybe get a picture, that would be awesome.



Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
I can't find the pictures of mine. You do realize that the indexing of that ring needs to be spot on. for every degree it is off your whole timing curve is going to be off by the same amount. It will be hard to get it as indexed as it was when new.
Aug 30, 2007
Mount Holly, NC
I can't find the pictures of mine. You do realize that the indexing of that ring needs to be spot on. for every degree it is off your whole timing curve is going to be off by the same amount. It will be hard to get it as indexed as it was when new.

yep, thats why i was curious about the sensor picking up from the leading edge of the teeth or the center. Being a degree or even 2 wouldn't be horrible, but im confident that once i figure out where its suppose to be i can get it mounted up correctly. This is more common with the mustang crowd and people have done it on other engines as well, so im sure its possible to get it accurate. I guess ill find out soon enough...

76 bronco J

Bronco Guru
Oct 20, 2005
>>>>>>>>> here's what one website has to say about it...... www.dainst.com/info/edis/edis.html Postion of VRS pickup sensor in relation to TDC of cylinder 1 Cylinders Degrees BTDC
4 cylinder- 90°
6 cyl-60°
8 cyl-50°
10 cyl-26°
On all EDIS installations, the missing tooth of the wheel is aligned with the VR sensor when the engine is at the above TDC value. This means your crank wheel needs to be aligned on the damper such that when the engine is N degrees BTDC, the missing tooth is lined up with the VR sensor. You may need to adjust the wheel slightly so the actual timing matches the intended base timing (10° BTDC). You can use a cam timing wheel to set this, or set Cyl #1 at TDC and advance the crank wheel so the missing tooth is the correct degrees BTDC according to the table above. You can also align the missing tooth with the TDC mark on the balancer and make the VRS sensor mount adjustable......limp home mode>>> Without an ECU the EDIS system will fire the ignition at 10 degrees BTDC (Before Top Dead Center). The spark advance is controlled by the SAWPW line on the EDIS module. The SAW (Spark Angle Word) is analguous to the SPOUT (Spark OUT) line on Ford TFI-IV systems. The interface is different though. .......

below are some pics of my spare explorer balancer- it seems it's kinda lined up with the keyway ,but you should use a cam timing wheel as suggested above to locate the sensor & tigger wheel accurately .... more info from http://www.megamanual.com/ms2/EDIS.htm >>> EDIS-4: missing tooth is exactly nine teeth (90°) ahead of the VR sensor,
EDIS-6: missing tooth is exactly six teeth (60°) ahead of the VR sensor,
EDIS-8(8 cylinder engine): missing tooth is exactly five teeth (50°) ahead of the VR sensor.
here a few some more sites on the subject from past research ,although as with all internet info it may or may not be perfectly accurate so read it all & draw your own conclusion>>>> http://www.autosportlabs.net/Image:EDIS_system_diagram.png http://www.alternativeauto.com/waterbox/wb_archives/edis.html http://www.bgsoflex.com/mjl/mjl_edis_summary.html custom trigger wheel construction>>>> http://www.megamanual.com/ms2/36-1.htm


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Aug 30, 2007
Mount Holly, NC
Thanks 76 bronco, that gives me enough info to get it straightened out the next time i get to tinker on it. I apperciate the time you took to gather up all that info in one post