Yeah, I hear you. And yes, that 90° pressed-in metal barbed hose fitting is what I was alternately referring to as a nipple or a barbed hose fitting. And it's not even truly "barbed" either! Rats!
Never really was 100% comfortable with the term "nipple" for a hose fitting, but only because it became too generic and wasn't descriptive enough in some cases. So now I'Ve used it for so many years to describe similar things, heard it described that way by others too, and haven't found many reasonable alternatives. So it becomes generic.
But hey, I'm all for correctness in terminology here, so if there's a more specific (and historically correct) term, I'm all for learnin' it. I'm always on things like "crank" and "turn over" and "Heim" and "HEI" and "Posi" and three or four other semi-misspoke terms, that I'll be the last to argue in favor of an incorrect one!
So what do we settle on here?
I call the thing on the tire a valve stem, which I pretty much regard as THE correct term. Only used nipple for that a couple of times that I remember. But I'm sure you could though, without anyone not understanding the part you were talking about.
The other "nipples" I mentioned, that were molded into the intake tube between the filter and TB, are not always barbed, so they'd just be a "hose fitting" maybe?. Or a nipple? Hell, I don't know!
Anyway, at least we were all thinking near enough this time to make it work.
I've mentioned a couple of times over the years that we need a thread dedicated to Correct Automotive Terminology, where we can put forth, and argue for and against certain terms. Kind of fell on deaf ears though.