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Engine Oil Dipstick


New Member
Oct 14, 2018
Oxford, MS
The dipstick on my 302 attached (at the top) to the exhaust manifold with a small bolt. That bolt broke off flush with the manifold leaving me with an unsecured dipstick. It's a screw-in type that attaches to a recessed area in the oil pan on the passenger side of the vehicle. So I now have to figure out how to replace that bolt in a very tight spot, find another way to secure it, or let it just hang loose. How are those of you running headers securing yours? Or does anyone else have a suggestion for a solid mount? (Right now I've got it zipped to the heater hose, which works, but I'd rather that not be the long-term fix.)


Sr. Member
Feb 28, 2004
I just did this. I pulled the exhaust manifold. Drilled and tapped for a new bolt. Took about a hour and I am a novice at best.


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
You will have to pull the manifold to fix it. You need to secure that tube or it will vibrate the mount on the pan. You get that leaking and then you have to pull the pan opening up another can of worms. The passengers side exhaust manifold are very commom and can easily find a replacement and make a fast swap rather taking the time to drill out the broken bolt and retaping the threads. Most early 302's had this same manifold. Not so on the drivers side.