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F150 4X4-4X2 Power Steering Swap???




Who has done the f150 4X4 steering box swap where you switch out internals with the 4X2 box? I am fairly competent, but was wondering how hard this swap is. Is it better than a rebuilt stocker? This will be going on a '68 with manual steering. Thanks all.


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2001
I did the 4x4x2 with no previous experience tearing down a steering gear box-piece of cake. As long as you are comptent, and intuitive it's no problem. In fact, you might want to get a rebuild kit for the box (they usually can be picked up for like 30-50), and it will contain an exploded diagram plus new seals, o-rings, bushings, bearings, etc.

As far as how good a swap-one of my favorites. One-handed steering with a 4-turn box makes life much easier over armstrong. Best place to buy the box that I've seen is eBay (although some junkyards will let one go cheap-depends on what part of the country) I (ignorantly) paid 195 for my first 4x4 box, but the second 4x4 box I got for only 50. You should never pay more than 50 for the 4x2 box.


Jr. Member
Jan 21, 2003
Northern AZ
Thank you for the replies. Unfortunately I was not logged in when I posted the question. It is good to hear that it is fairly simple. I checked out BC's sight, but it wasn't as in depth as I was hoping for. I will probably buy their frame strengthening kit for the box. What do I need to do to my steering shaft to complete the swap?


I did the 4X4X2 conversion. Not hard at all. You will have to redrill a couple of holes in the frame. Mine had a one piece steering shaft. That was more hassel than the box. I replaced the whole steering column from a older F250. Can't find my notes to tell you what year. Came with a good T/S switch. Then ordered the BCB borgenson joint and 3/4 splined shaft. Bolted right in, nice and tight. One hand steering with 4 turns lock to lock. Its amazing how tight an EB will turn.


Jr. Member
Jun 29, 2003
Kingsburg, CA
Go to the Lonestar Early Bronco Club site. They have a good article on doing the 4X4X2 conversion. It's in the Tech section under modifications.


New Member
Feb 8, 2003
Nome Alaska
well im in the proces of doing mine right now. now that i got all my stuff swaped and figured out what to swap and how to do it its cake. the main thing is geting the right warm gear witch i got out of a f150 like 87 two wheel drive and geting the warm gear out with out messing up the ball bearings. what you have to do is just un bolt it all and look in the top where the solector shaft is and line up the splines and just pound the solector shaft out and the warm gear and rack will come right out. nobody ever told me how to do this so i just screwed the warm gear out and then al the bearings got screwed up so i got another one and did it the right way the only other part that is being kinda tricky is the shaft i got the slip shaft out of that truck and its being tricky to mate all the ends other than that i hope it will all work out.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2003
Just go back to BC site for the years. (78-79 4x4 and 80- ? 4x2) I did it a few months back, peice of cake. Like BroncoBoy69 stated just don't let the worm gear get away from you. All those little balls will go rolling. It happened to me and it takes ALOT of patience to put them all back in. I think drill the holes in the frame took me the longest. My crossmember was VERY close to where the two new holes were drilled, and I installed an Ididit steering column with borgeson shaft and joints from BC. I snapped my shaft after I did my body lift. It was on it's last leg anyway and gave me a reason to get it all together. Good luck and we'll be here if you have any more ?'s. Jason


Jr. Member
Jan 21, 2003
Northern AZ
So, is it better for me to look for a stock setup or switch to the 4X4 box? Will I have to convert to a different steering column?


From what I have read on this board, the stock setup is very rare and very expensive when you find it. Rebuilts are available, but without a core? The 4x4x2 conversion is just fine. The steering column will need some kind of attention. If you have a one piece shaft it can be cut or the column replaced. If you have a two piece shaft you are halfway done.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2003
I think all you need to do is get the bottom joint from BC. Or when your getting the steering box bet the lower shaft as well. Call Chuck, he'll tell you what you'll need to get to do it right.