Yeah I am getting dings from the inside of my fenders. It started with one and I didn't put two and two together until I saw two more.
I have a dirt driveway with gravel, a new paint job, and new gravel grabbing tires. Now I'm getting these little buggers pushing outwards giving me spider cracks in my paint. I'm going to lose my mind if I ever find it again.
Anyone have this problem before? Any ideas or fixes? I was thinking of spraying copius amounts of rubber undercoating up in the fender but the stuff I have seems to disappear kind of quick from past experience. Option 2 is attaching some sheet rubber up in there somehow as a backstop.
I know one or two of you geniuses has a better idea than I do. ;D
I have a dirt driveway with gravel, a new paint job, and new gravel grabbing tires. Now I'm getting these little buggers pushing outwards giving me spider cracks in my paint. I'm going to lose my mind if I ever find it again.
Anyone have this problem before? Any ideas or fixes? I was thinking of spraying copius amounts of rubber undercoating up in the fender but the stuff I have seems to disappear kind of quick from past experience. Option 2 is attaching some sheet rubber up in there somehow as a backstop.
I know one or two of you geniuses has a better idea than I do. ;D