Well, I got it to its new home in the Philly area last night, tucked it away in the garage ( wife was on the step stool to check for clearance--yikes! 1 inch,, at best.
This thing still is gonna need some work

Here's what still needs to happen, doors finished- having a slight fitment problem with the right door upper window frame and having enough room for seals, windows, all seals, gonna need to put on a new carb I believe, windshield wipers, hoses run from A/C unit to condensor etc.,front is awfully bouncy with the WH 3 1/2 coils and standard Duff shock (anyone want to help me id stronger valved Bill's that would firm it up a bit? Seems like I also get random noises from underneath. The power steering from the serp set up works but still seems to need alittle effort. I can't turn the wheels too awfully far at this point either. Need to connect speedo cable, fuel indicator, emergency brake cable is run to the back but needs to get hooked up. Gotta pick up some fuel doors too.
Don't get me wrong, not really bitchin', thing has truly an incredible paint job, exhaust is killer with the electric cut outs, dash is insane etc. etc. just still have so much more to do. Some I can handle some I can't. These things are never plug and play.....
Oh, the seats,,, well like I said in early earlier posts, tried the sem product to change the color- not holding up AT ALL. Gonna get the seats reskinned in probably like 2018 at this rate.
Bugs to work out, bugs to work