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follow up (steam out the valve cover breather)


New Member
May 2, 2010
Monroe, WA
My first post is back a page or so. But i had a oil leak at the base of the oil dipstick, i cleaned it and tightened it then added some silicone around it, which solved the oil leak until i revved the motor above 4000 rpms. Then the oil leaked out the top of the dipstick tube. The 302 had no pcv valve so i added one and ran it to the base of the carb and added a new breather on the opposite valve cover.
Finally took it out on the the highway and up steep hills and revved the motor alot above 4000 rpms. when i got home oil covered the underside of the motor again. Now its coming out of the base of the dipstick again when i rev the motor.


plugs look good.
compression check 150-160 all cylinders.
oil looks good, not white and frothy
coolant level good
runs good
oil psi between 28 to 55 psi
recent oil and filter change

but still to much crank case psi causing this?

everything seams to work great as long as i stay off the freeway and keep it under a certain rpm range. getting frustrated.

What is causing this????????????????????????????

What other test can i do????????????????????????????

How do i fix this???????????????????????????????

any ideas would be apprecitated.


electron whisperer
Aug 23, 2007
If you want good answers you should follow up with your original thread. You'll probably get the same ones over again by starting a new thread.


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
Well reving to 4000 rpm's on hills probably didnt help any as the PCV valve was probably almost closed up due to lack of vacuum and 4000 rpm will put a lot of pressure in the crankcase and the excess pressure will blow oil out any area that it can. The dipstick is a very common place for oil leaks.
While cylinder pressure may be good you could have bad exhuast valve seals allowing excessive presure into the engine.


Bronco Guru
Nov 26, 2005
...While cylinder pressure may be good you could have bad exhuast valve seals allowing excessive presure into the engine.

I had the exact same thought. New valve guides on their own should fix that, although I'm a fan of the high-temp Teflon seals as well even though they require some additional machining work.