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Going to the Crushers, SaddleUp & Second Chance do "The Crushers" rock test (pics)



Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Good Times said:
NICE! Looks like a mini Rubicon! I'd love to give that a try the next time I'm down there......What d'ya thing...My 33's should be good enough right?
LOL. I may take a group over there next year during SOB since we are only going to plan a Friday run. There were a few people there that were itching to get into something like this last time. FWIW, There is a trail labeled Little Rubicon on the Power Lines. Several years ago I flipped my old 74 Scout II over on its side on that one. I've never been to the Rubicon so I can't make a comparison however this area is one of the 2 extreme areas out there. The other one is the backside of Seven Up which can be seen in a short video clip I have in my gallery here. A lot of rigs roll on that one so I also avoided it. Did Second Chance run you by there? I can't remember if he did or not. He was pretty close to it at one point at the top of Ceder Tree.

BTW, If your interested in coming down this way we are going to plan a Halloween run toward the end of next month. Not sure what trails we will run though. That will depend on how many people we have show up and what skill levels they are at.