It's been 944 days since I last posted. Back on
April 26, 2015, I had brought the chassis back to the guy painting it, and reattached the painted tub, but there was still some work for him left to do.
Well, for the next 3 years, the work didn't get done. Every few months that I'd check, I either wouldn't find the guy, or I would and he would give me every excuse, then promise promise it'd be done in 2 weeks.
Here's a few pics of how I found it from time to time. Not a pretty sight, I know.
October 2016
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April 2017
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Earlier this month.
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Part of my delay in pushing harder to get this done and back is that for the last couple years I have really not had the time or money to put into the Bronco, as I've been working on building a business and work almost all the time. So it would have been sitting, whether at his shop or in my garage. But now I am in a position where I can give this the attention it deserves. And I was fed up with it being so neglected. So I told the guy I was coming back in a week to take it back, and he said he would clean it up and pull it out for me.
Last weekend, with the help of my Bronco bud, Art, I went down to the shop and finally took it back. The guy had done an ok job of cleaning it up, and it looks like he finished some of the things that needed to be done, but it was still kind of a mess, just lots of dirt and dust and cobwebs and etc. And no doors, grill, or tailgate (he said he's finishing those and I may pick them up this weekend). And the front fenders and hood were not attached. So we did what we needed to do, secured everything, and drove her back to my home.
Finally, she's home - VICTORY!
(here's what my daughter looked like when I last posted...!)