LOL, Yes, you're probably right, I could write a very good how to book with that build!
Honestly just about every single part and system was rebuilt, replaced or modified on that rig.
I went into CJ Pony Parts showroom and was looking around for ideas and ran across them. IMO, they are a great look on a custom Bronco. Part numbers ML2F and ML2B
Mtfit supplied the tires and wheels and a few other parts when he first broght me the truck. They are steel "D hole" wheels that are "Street Locks". Mtfit likes the black wheel look and wanted the beadlock look but did not want the potential hassle with state inspection of real beadlocks. I replaced all the yellow zinc plated bolts with stainless button head Allen's to match all the other screws used on much of this build. Although these do add to the look, I think this rig would look great with some nice aluminum wheels. Maybe the old school style slots in a 17 x 8 like KB6677 has a mass buy post on now!
I had legend lables made for each of the switches. I got these from Ben Saunders in CO. He has most of the legends available but we had to have the "Rock Lights" legend custom made by the manufactuer.
It is all the little details like this that took a lot of hours and $ but make this rig really stand out.
Here are a few of the before and early progress pics of how the rig looked when I first met Mtfit to discuss the project aafter he purchased the rig off Ebay and had it deliverded to PA from CO.