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Help me find lost or stolen Bronco "Conclusion"

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New Member
Jul 22, 2011
Here we go Guy's, I know you were all waiting to here what happend to this tricked out Bronco that was thought to be lost or stolen. I built this rig and drove it for a number of years. You will remember a few months back this Bill Mitchel "CRAZY OLD MAN!" posted that I sold him this bronco and that I would not give it up. As I replied before he did not pay for it in full. There fore I would not shipp it. He made numberous threts agenst me and my family and slandered my name over the internet. I am in the process of a law suit against him for defimation of charictor. I hate to say it but some of you that fed into his B.S. added fuel to the fire. My attorny is going to advise me if I should go after a few of you as well, we will see. REMEMBER What you put on the internet is admissable in court. The Jefferson County Sheriff's department got involved and the financial matter was resolved and the vehicle was turned over to them for shipping.
Those of you that dont know me will probably tell me to go FRICK myself but for those of you who do know me, I am a straight shooting guy. No disrespect to the forum or other people who tryed to help out in this matter but wouldent you rather be working on your rigs, 4 wheelen or having some other fun than spending your time on this B.S.? Sorry I will not respond to any emails or threads on this matter, I have better things to do with my time.

Best regards, Rich Barnes
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Lucky as the day is long.
Jun 18, 2009
Admin is this okay? I have been bashed before, but the rules have changed since then.


redneck grease monkey
Oct 25, 2009
Dont really understand why your posting if your not going to respond plus good luck with that whole looking into suing other on here for something they said. If that could be done I think a lot of people would be getting sued because someone took something the wrong way. So it sounds like you got your money be happy.


electron whisperer
Aug 23, 2007
Here we go Guy's, I know you were all waiting to here what happend to this tricked out Bronco that was thought to be lost or stolen. I built this rig and drove it for a number of years. You will remember a few months back this Bill Mitchel "CRAZY OLD MAN!" posted that I sold him this bronco and that I would not give it up. As I replied before he did not pay for it in full. There fore I would not shipp it. He made numberous threts agenst me and my family and slandered my name over the internet. I am in the process of a law suit against him for defimation of charictor. I hate to say it but some of you that fed into his B.S. added fuel to the fire. My attorny is going to advise me if I should go after a few of you as well, we will see. REMEMBER What you put on the internet is admissable in court. The Jefferson County Sheriff's department got involved and the financial matter was resolved and the vehicle was turned over to them for shipping.
Those of you that dont know me will probably tell me to go FRICK myself but for those of you who do know me, I am a straight shooting guy. No disrespect to the forum or other people who tryed to help out in this matter but wouldent you rather be working on your rigs, 4 wheelen or having some other fun than spending your time on this B.S.? Sorry I will not respond to any emails or threads on this matter, I have better things to do with my time.

Best regards, Rich Barnes

Why then, only after the sherriff's dept interveiwed you, did you release the Bronco?


Bronco Guru
Jul 14, 2005
one helluva 1st post, i bet he did this on all the other forums this issue was posted on. what a loser...

lets see...bronco was P.I.F. before it was picked up right?? thats the conclusion

oh yeah...and it took the sheriffs dept to get involved> right the frick ON!


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2001
Wow. You got caught trying to cheat someone out of their money and you trying to convince us your stand up guy. Yeah sure. There's Karma and you will get your.


74 Explorer

Full Member
Jul 17, 2009
WOW. Cool story. Excuse me, I need to contact a lawyer about some pricks on


Full Member
Jun 1, 2003
I was the one that picked up the Bronco for Bill and stored it in my garage for a few weeks while Bill got the transportation arranged. You, Mr Barnes, were wrong in your assumption that Bill did not have any right to getting his money back or any right to the Bronco because he was not a citizen of the good ole' US of A. Wrong sir. Good thing the Sheriffs department really looked at what was going on. You do know there were more than local authorities looking into this don't you? Had it not gotten straightened out on the local level you may have had a knock on your door from a federal agent investigating you for fraud.

Just my 0.02 and I hope you all the best for the New Year.

Rox Crusher

Bronco Guru
Dec 13, 2008
you are a complete tool and deserved to have your ass thrown in jail but you slickstered out of that by doing what you should have done in the first place

I for one, don't wish you any good luck whatsoever



Bronco Guru
Jul 14, 2005
funny how he joined the same time watsupwitcu did...yet never spoke up in his defense then???? that means he was just lurking


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
So if he didn't pay in full, how did he get a "paid in full" title and bill of sale?
And according to the buyer, you always answered the phone and emails, just never would turn it over to him or tell him where it was located? In all that, if it's wasn't paid for yet, why didn't you say "you still owe XX amount of money"?
And what was all the nonsense about the vehicle being seized?
And what about it being sold twice before in the last 6 months?
On Ebay?
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