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Help me find lost or stolen Bronco "Conclusion"

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Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2008
Glen Allen, VA
Errr. So what was the point of this thread? Good luck with that lawsuit. %)

Looking forward to your non response and hopefully never hear from you again.



Bronco Guru
Jun 6, 2009
dipshit Barnes said:
Help me find lost or stolen Bronco "Conclusion"

I don't think you need help finding this bronco... you KNOW where that is. I think you need help finding your meds.


Bronco Guru
Mar 9, 2006
Norman, OK
Add me tothe list of being sued.. I don't know what for but it sounds good.. Maybe because I called you a, "NoTalent A$$ Clown"!!! No.. I didn't..

Now I'm calling you a No Talent A$$ Clown.

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
Well well syber bulling now.I am so afraid I may go jump in MY bronco and drive it without seats in it. Oh yea good luck with that rectum suit.Heck I can't spell nither.



Sr. Member
Nov 26, 2011
Mount Pleasant
i work on a boat i have nothing but time and im glad to bs with some people with some comen intrest so and i have fun here and had made a few freinds so%) Go frick yourself


electron whisperer
Aug 23, 2007
funny how he joined the same time watsupwitcu did...yet never spoke up in his defense then???? that means he was just lurking

As I recall he did post once or twice in the original thread. It might not show because it was moved to off-topic or he might have deleted his posts.


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
i work on a boat i have nothing but time and im glad to bs with some people with some comen intrest so and i have fun here and had made a few freinds so%) Go frick yourself

You have a boat, I have a bag of concrete mix. I think we can fix this;)


Bronco Guru
Mar 13, 2011
Here we go Guy's, I know you were all waiting to here what happend to this tricked out Bronco that was thought to be lost or stolen.

Not really. We already know. It was turned over to the guy who paid for it.

I built this rig and drove it for a number of years. You will remember a few months back this Bill Mitchel "CRAZY OLD MAN!" posted that I sold him this bronco and that I would not give it up.

Sounds like the foundation for a defamation lawsuit.

He made numberous threts agenst me and my family and slandered my name over the internet. I am in the process of a law suit against him for defimation of charictor. I hate to say it but some of you that fed into his B.S. added fuel to the fire.

Well, he was upset about not receiving property that he had paid for and had legal right to possess.The only fuel added was the *&^%*# holding on to said property.

My attorny is going to advise me if I should go after a few of you as well, we will see. REMEMBER What you put on the internet is admissable in court.

Apparently you are blessed with ESP as to the future actions of your esquire. I am glad that your threats will always be present on the internet so we can admit them as evidence as well.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's department got involved and the financial matter was resolved and the vehicle was turned over to them for shipping.

Yeah, after Bill called and called and called and you wouldn't give him the frickin truck. The financial matter was resolved? Oh you mean you found the copy of the receipt and the title that you sent him? And some bronco brothers showed up and punked your ass.ALLEGEDLY.

Those of you that dont know me will probably tell me to go FRICK myself but for those of you who do know me, I am a straight shooting guy.

Go FRICK yourself. And if I did know you and found out your were jerking some guy around I would unknow you. Straight shooters like you are the worst kind. You don't know what an arrogant douchebag you are coming off as.ALLEGEDLY. (never end a sentence with a preposition.)

No disrespect to the forum or other people who tryed to help out in this matter but wouldent you rather be working on your rigs, 4 wheelen or having some other fun than spending your time on this B.S.?

There is no other thing that I would be rather doing then helping a fellow bronco owner out. Working on my rig and enjoying life wouldn't be the same if I knew somebody out there in Bronco land was getting wronged and I just stood by and watched the fireworks.

Sorry I will not respond to any emails or threads on this matter, I have better things to do with my time.
Then why did you post in the first place? I can only dream that there will not be a number 2 under your post count. Oh, and fire your lawyer. Going online and giving us veiled threats will only add to the already abundant knowledge that you are a tool who sells really neat cars.

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
(rich barns)..........=keeping a Bronco in a stall that you dun got the money for.


Bronco Guru
May 9, 2010
What a fricktard. Stay off this site and don't come back. Nice job of getting on a site to start some s@%t and then want no response. D bag.



Full Member
Dec 29, 2010
Beaverton, Oregon
To all you guys that let this goober have it, I commend you.

And to ANYONE that says something to the effect of "Here's my words and I won't listen to your response" Kiss my... ( insert whatever he doesn't want to kiss here)


Bronco Guru
Aug 12, 2003
Here we go Guy's, I know you were all waiting to here what happend to this tricked out Bronco that was thought to be lost or stolen. I built this rig and drove it for a number of years. You will remember a few months back this Bill Mitchel "CRAZY OLD MAN!" posted that I sold him this bronco and that I would not give it up. As I replied before he did not pay for it in full. There fore I would not shipp it. He made numberous threts agenst me and my family and slandered my name over the internet. I am in the process of a law suit against him for defimation of charictor. I hate to say it but some of you that fed into his B.S. added fuel to the fire. My attorny is going to advise me if I should go after a few of you as well, we will see. REMEMBER What you put on the internet is admissable in court. The Jefferson County Sheriff's department got involved and the financial matter was resolved and the vehicle was turned over to them for shipping.
Those of you that dont know me will probably tell me to go FRICK myself but for those of you who do know me, I am a straight shooting guy. No disrespect to the forum or other people who tryed to help out in this matter but wouldent you rather be working on your rigs, 4 wheelen or having some other fun than spending your time on this B.S.? Sorry I will not respond to any emails or threads on this matter, I have better things to do with my time.

Best regards, Rich Barnes

1. Rich do you have proof that Bill is indeed "crazy" if not I think you have just defamed him.
2. I do not know where to start with your spelling, it is atrocious. You are either 8 years old or drunk? All that red squiggly line under your typing means your spelling is really off. Did you mean to say defecation of charictor [sic] did someone poop on you?
3. You just stated he slandered your name all over the internet? I am sure your lawyer is well aware slander is a form of oral defamation. Libel is probably what you are looking for.
4. It is really too bad you do not seem to be taking responsibility for your actions. You had the opportunity to address this situation previously like in this thread, http://www.shelbyforums.com/forums/introductions-greetings/13119-hello-rich-mustang-ranch-golden-co.html since you seemed to have dragged your feet in resolving this issue you have caused more damage than some Bronco forum could have. If someone did not pay me in full, I would likely have refunded the money and found another seller?
5. FWIW, I did not see anyone post on here defending your honor? I guess nobody really "knew" you? You may want to get your Mom a computer and a login, you could really use the support.
6. I agree, I would rather spend my time wheeling or working, but from time to time alleged scumbags pop up and it takes a local community to jump in and help them out.

We both know you are reading this thread, you may not post up, but keep in mind your reputation is being formed by posts like this. I am sure one of us will bring it up in the lawsuit ;) If your attention to detail in this post is similar to your restoration work, or dealings selling vintage vehicles, you are damaging your own reputation far worse than us fricking [sic] idiots!

Cheers and Merry Christmas or what ever you celebrate there in Nigeria...


Bronco Guru
Jul 30, 2007
Asheville, NC
wow... reminds me of a college chapel one night. At the end as 1800 students were filing out, a guy gets up to the mic and begins a rant about how the rumors of him and his ex girl friend were untrue, but we could leave if we didn't want to hear him go on. Everyone turned around and filed back in.... Faculty finally came to their senses after 5 min of babbling on about his personal life and asked him off the stage.

Just one of those... Wow moments. Think Rich just had one of those...


Chairman of the Bored
Aug 25, 2010
You know what the difference is between a total idiot that has no morals, class or common sense and someone who can't spell is?......you can always learn to spell!


Shadetree Guru
Dec 14, 2010
I think his lawyer works for the firm....Dewey,Screwum & Howe. A branch of Larry Parker ESQ.
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