Now I have a better idea what you are asking. The screen is a hand held programmer.
Basic Sniper install. You need to match the Sniper to the intake. 2-barrel to 2-barrell, 4-barrel to 4-barrel. It bolts on like a basic carb swap.
Fuel system is the biggest DIY build kit. You need a high pressure fuel system. Pump, filter, lines. And a return line. There are a thousand ways of doing this. Many are right, or various degrees of right, and just as many wrong. Fuel will flow at a very high rate (compared to a carb), and be returned to the tank at nearly the same rate. If you have a nasty tank, you will have problems. There can also be issues with fuel slosh that are a big issue with EFI that a carb just won't care about. If the pickup in the tank sucks air, the fuel pressure will drop and the engine will stall. The carb will run with the fuel in the bowl during a slosh event. Baffles, slosh tanks, all kinds of things that can be done. There is no standard way of doing a fuel system. Many 'kits" exist which generally add cost without much value other than just getting a single part number.
Wiring is actually pretty simple. Power and ground, switched power (which can be tricky finding a good power that live in both run AND crank, that isn't a drain on the ignition (don't tap off the coil positive). A tach signal, no different than an aftermarket tach. And some wires to run the fuel pump.
The simple way is to keep 100% of your existing ignition system, no changes. Just need a tach signal off the coil. Adding computer controlled spark adds a whole new layer of complexity and another 100 options of making it work.