heratic car camper
I'd sooner bond a reinforcing piece or if needing a lot of local thickness laminate several successively smaller perimeter pieces of this to the underside of the hood around the hole:
Can likely use something like "Corvette Panel Adhesive" to bond the G11 sheet to the underside of the hood, though I'm sure that there are better products out there.
The problem with perf is that you'll have a discontinuous hole for the pin, unless you add a ring of something to the perf. Even then it is still just captured by the resin and mat or woven glass and not really bonded into place. If bonding can be achieved then you won't need as much "stuff" to get to where you need/want to be.
I agree, the 'bearing load' on the pin holes could be quite high when really twisted up and reinforcing particularly thin composite skins at the mounting holes is a good idea. Even better would be more to many more mounts spread out around the whole perimeter of the skin.
Can likely use something like "Corvette Panel Adhesive" to bond the G11 sheet to the underside of the hood, though I'm sure that there are better products out there.
The problem with perf is that you'll have a discontinuous hole for the pin, unless you add a ring of something to the perf. Even then it is still just captured by the resin and mat or woven glass and not really bonded into place. If bonding can be achieved then you won't need as much "stuff" to get to where you need/want to be.
I agree, the 'bearing load' on the pin holes could be quite high when really twisted up and reinforcing particularly thin composite skins at the mounting holes is a good idea. Even better would be more to many more mounts spread out around the whole perimeter of the skin.