ok, so i have my front end, but now i think i might be even more nervous than before...
i went down and he never opposed that our original estimate was 400. he just kept saying how things are expensive and how he can't be loosing money... in the end he got down to what he called his cost "$640", at this point i was still holding on to 500, even thought the estimate was 400. when i thought i couldn't get any farther with the guy on good terms, i said i didn't know what else to do and if i had to pay the $ in order to get my part, i'd have to go through the BAR. at this point he kind of retaliated and told me if it came to that, he'd cut it back up, put it the way it was, and put my old bearings back in and give it back to me....
at this point i'm at a loss for words so i step outside to vent. i figure if i can get the $640 part, i can still go to the BAR and be at less risk... so i let him know, he starts adding up his costs and this time it only comes to $550, so that's what walk out with...
but now, i'm looking more closely at the welds and am starting to think they may have only turned the center diff... this thing has like every part cut off and rewelded. the short end has a cuts at the knuckle, diff, perches and the bumpstop, the long side was cut a the diff. unless they replicated the factory weld at the long knuckle perfectly, i don't think that one is turned with respect to the radius perch.
does anyone have one out that they can check "about" what angle the perches should be from the knuckle? or maybe the trackbar mount to the knucle?
my god i can't win....