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How much is it worth/talk me out of it...

Tim in Az

Full Member
May 25, 2010
My dad told me in 1986 when I turned 16 that one of his bigest regrets was not holding on to his Mustang that he put all his sweat and blood into. He said he always missed it but it really hit home when it came time for me to drive.


Sr. Member
Jul 11, 2009
Tough decision! Sounds like you've lost interest & already made up your mind to sell it to me;) Just waitin' on the right offer to come along? Me personally..I had to look at a bunch of EB's +the rediculous prices that people were asking for less than stellar EB's, before I lucked into mine(2nd owner/48K miles).Therefore, it will be the LAST vehicle that I sell if things go sour(I've always wanted one & don't want to hunt for another like it). Replacing yours,if you ever chose to would be tough...especially here in the Southeast. Just my thoughts & I'd love to own it! Good luck,Pierr.


New Member
Oct 31, 2007
My first thought was: If you do sell, get enough money that you could pay for some of the stuff you you're talking about, AND get another Bronco (something that can be driven, but maybe you could work on a little at a time, that is relatively inexpensive, initially.) Have your cake and eat it too.

Just my .02


Full Member
Jul 5, 2008
Dahlonega, GA
DON'T DO IT! I had to sell mine in college and it took me 18 years to get another one. I longed to have one shortly after selling it and then my choice of profession (law enforcement) and starting a family made it nearly impossible to get one. I finally broke down and bought another one, and other than the desire to build it up greater than my checkbook can afford, I am so much happier with an EB in my driveway.

bad 68

Sr. Member
Jul 1, 2010
Northest Washington
and pay for our trip to Italy next year"WTF? ????????

I have never sold a gun, a tool, and the 68 Bronco will never be for sale Period.

When my kids were babies I sold a street bike because I thought it was selfish to keep it since I couldn't take them with me when I rode. It was my decision and my wife cried as it left the driveway. I courted her on that bike, had a bad wreck that left her with scar she still has 24 years later. Now it is a classic and someone else owns it.
I bought the Bronco with the money from that bike. It had a back seat for the kids.
Now my boys are 17 and 19. Not so easy for them to climb into the back seat but they would climb a mountain to get in if they had to. Kevin detailed for 2 days to take it to his senior prom and we owned a couple of very nice newer vehicles. The boys have helped me work on every part of the rig (as they are never done) and know it as well mechanical as I do.

It is my daily driver,
weekend driver,
favorite driver while new rigs sit in the driveway.

I have told them at my funeral I want them to get in and do a huge Smokey 2 tire frier while bouncing the MSD off the rev limiter until they can't see where their going, or the BFGs are bald.

The Bronco Is that much a part of my family!!