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Icon broncos, anybody see these?


Minutia Militia
Aug 12, 2004
I haven't been keeping up on them, but is Dynacorn building an entire chassis now too?


Sr. Member
Apr 17, 2013
I can't understand why that paint chipped so bad! For that kind of money I would think there would be some kind of rock or chip gaurd on the lower part of truck. Only 2600 miles.

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Red Head Grease Monkey
Jan 23, 2002
Stockton, CA
I can't understand why that paint chipped so bad! For that kind of money I would think there would be some kind of rock or chip gaurd on the lower part of truck. Only 2600 miles.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

If you watch the video he points out that most of those 2,300 miles were on gravel roads on a ranch in Montana. So, all the gravel being kicked up by the front tires ended up hitting the rockers and quarters in front of the tires.


Glad to be here.
May 15, 2006
New Hampshire


Bronco Guru
Jul 23, 2010
They are nice trucks but in my opinion WAAAAAY overpriced. I know that there are custom parts that he is making to put on these truck and other little tricks here and there but 250K is just the current sign of the times.

EVERYTHING is OVERPRICED! Just walk through the food store and really think about the prices on some stuff that you just buy. Easily 2-3 times what it used to cost. I mean a loaf of bread these days is over 3 or 4 bucks!

Anyway, everyone on here talks about the quality that goes into these trucks and that is obvious but don't think for a second that he is getting dynatrac axles, coyotes from ford, etc and paying what we pay for them! I am sure that his prices are significantly lower. I would bet that if you crunched the numbers on one of these trucks that the cost to build one is well under 100K including the cost of his shop labor.

If you have the money to buy one that's awesome and go for it. However, I just feel that these trucks are just another sign of the GREED that is currently destroying this country. There is something about making a fair profit on ones work but this is honestly taking it a little too far IMHO!

I would take a CRAWLERS EDGE 4 Door bronco over any ICON any day of the week. That is something that took some thought and talent to pull off and it looks like it was from the FORD factory back in 1966. Just my .02!


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
The VIN/emissions thing is handled in a 2-part transaction.
First he sells you a vehicle. You title it, register it, you own it.
Second is he customizes the vehicle to your specifications.

Common work around in the custom car world.


Jr. Member
Feb 24, 2009

It is easy to slam someone or there work, but you may wish to consider another way to look at this topic.
Bronco enthusiasts as we are do take broncos pretty personally.
ICON is not trying to sell our bronco community one their customs.
ICON TLC (Johnathan Ward) puts out videos on almost all of his builds and shop tours.
So put some time in on YouTube before you make a decision.
He has always said these vehicles he builds are crazy expensive. And he cant even afford some of the ones he would like to keep.
What you will also learn if you take the time is ICON is not pumping out the same truck or car over and over. They keep evolving their builds to be hire & hire quality. That means less profit if you keep changing your product.

Step back and look at how many people he employees. That's a good thing.
He is always trying to only use USA made parts and works with those companies-venders to make their parts better for his many custom builds.
To re engineer most of the bolt on parts cost big time money. So you don't even make a profit until you have sold several vehicles to cover your R&D.
Plus your overhead running a shop.
What we get in the bronco community is much hire quality USA made parts that we can put on our broncos today. Several bronco venders have real upped there game.
10-15 years ago we were having to deal with quite a few overseas made parts that were junk, trying keep our broncos going or to do a restoration.
ICON and others have helped raise the bar on the quality of parts that should be made here, by US workers.
No vender can put a big investment into (NEW) R&D on a vintage vehicle that are only worth $5-10k
Now that the sealing on the cost of a specialty custom had built bronco is $200k. we now can buy quality bronco parts made for broncos like, big brake kits high-end suspension parts, better body panels, ect...
Weather you like a ICON or not, or understand the cost of one, you might want to look at the big picture.


Jr. Member
Nov 2, 2012
San Clemente
▲▲▲Well said! And as a CA resident and former bidness owner, may I add the STUPID high cost of owning a bidness in the great state of Kalifornia! Example: $800/year RIGHT OFF THE BAT just to be incorporated here! And I won't even BEGIN to discuss "Worker's Comp"; it's enough to make a grown man CRY!


Bronco Guru
Jul 23, 2010
Eh, I still think that they are WAAAAY Overpriced. Maybe if I ever have he opportunity to see one and even drive in one my thoughts will change but yeah, owning a business is not cheap and you have to pay the bills. More power to him! He is definitely helping the NicksTrix, KrawlersEdge, Englewood Cowboy's of the world make a better living at their crafts.

As for the better quality parts coming around maybe ICON can get someone to produce some decent door seals! ;D


Sr. Member
Mar 29, 2015
The title and VIN issue was solved with the new legislation. Small batch builders can now build 325 complete replica vehicles per year without having to meet current safety standards, only emissions regulations. The replicas have to be more than 25 years from the date of the last original produced. The builders can now assign a VIN to the new vehicle using parts to make it look like a classic.

Previously, ICON was basically buying pristine Broncos for the body only since they needed the VIN plate. They build their own frames that were designed with their suspension and the coyote 5.0 in mind. Rumor is that Jonathan also convinced Dynacorn to create some new molds for the body panels that don't fit quite right, so the rest of us will benefit some just from that.

As for the cost, ICON is going after a very specific market segment. Jonathan is not concerned that he is missing out on selling them cheaper to more people, like was mentioned already, he has a multi-year waiting list. He seems like a good guy that loves the classics (he worked with Toyota by designing the prototype of the FJ Cruiser in the mid '00s). For anyone that doesn't want to wait, or can't afford an ICON, there are definitely some quality custom builders for you that hang out on this site regularly. I met someone yesterday that has one from Nick's Trix, wow. Much nicer than anything I'll ever own. I don't think anyone that has gone through Englewood's build thread could argue that he doesn't do top notch work.

A complete aside, I agree that I would not own a business in Cali. The cost of living for your employees, which goes straight to your labor cost is ridiculous. This is one of the big reasons Toyota is now based in Texas, same wages for those high quality jobs equates to a 20-30% pay raise for your employees.


Sr. Member
Nov 25, 2008
Everyone is debating the ICON value and whether or not they're worth what they cost, and I'm just excited they have a color wheel selector to be able to 'paint' a bronco any color on the spectrum. Now, if he just added the ability to enter a paint code, I'd be ecstatic. :)

Oh, and someone only has to pay for something to be valued at a certain level. Doesn't mean its 'worth' it, technically speaking. But things are valued at whatever folks are willing to pay for it (take California real estate, for example). :)


Bronco Guru
Jul 3, 2004
Thanks Germd!

Lots of good points here. Very nicely built rigs, and I really really like some of the other projects Icon is doing, like the Electric 51 Merc. But.. Gotta remember that these are for the uber-rich, not folks like us who build and make stuff. For people who are busy moving and shaking giant companies and dont have the time to do what most of us do. And to be fair, I believe part of the reason they want one is because it costs 250k. Maybe they need the best because they dont have time to deal with maintenance on a classic, and for 250k - its a way to insure it's trouble free.. Not trying to offend anyone, honestly, just saying thats the demographic. And yes, they are all made out of Broncos like these pictured.

I wish I did not have to sell mine... He bought the green one on my ebay auction...


Full Member
Apr 21, 2002
I think Jonathan is doing a great thing with the ICON everything's, not just the Bronco.

I don't know what Coyote 5.0's cost, but Dixie 4WD in St. George is putting Corvette LS3's in Wranglers and told me those engines cost $30K.


Bronco Guru
Aug 23, 2011
Check out his latest sleeper build. "We built it in a more retro, old school style, but it still hides the coil over suspension, coyote V8 and all the other icon goodies."

I wonder how much he saved going this route. $30k?
