I went though the same thing , getting new boosters , messin' with bigger piston brake calipers , but I just couldn't get it consistant .
I do know a guy that says his stops well enough without power assist that he hasn't bothered with the hydroboost sitting on his bench . I think he said he's just got a camper special master on it . I could never get my non boosted brakes to work that well .
I finally went hydroboost myself , and it's been very consistant , and not touchy like I thought it would be .
The first year I just used the stock Tompson pump , and probably would still be using it if not for the F-150 box I swapped in .
It was a easy swap , didn't even undo a brake line . Just used the stock booster bracket , made up a spacer for the super duty booster , and used Aeroquip type fittings so I could make the hoses the length I wanted them .
Over the years I messed with trying to get the vacume stuff to work , this cost less over all . I got lucky with finding the booster at a wrecker for $80 , and the hoses/ fittings ran another $80 . Could be cheaper without using the Aeroquip type stuff . Just made it conveinent for me .
If your up to it , it's not a hard swap .
Good luck .