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interest in another soft top mass buy?


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
Dave St said:
Tom's replied and said that they just talked to STC, who said they were about 3 weeks out. Tom's also said that they would like to know if everyone is interested in tinted or regular windows. They will get with Tom on Tuesday so they can put a price together, and that they would try to meet or beat any other price we get. I will ask them if it is necessary for everyone to get the same top (color and tint).

Chris sent me his price, but I don't know that it is fair to post his prices before the other vendors give their prices. Should I post it now or wait? Alternately, I could just let people PM or e-mail for the price...

Your thoughts?
Most all the time they don't like you to post the price, because it is a public forum. I will have my source get in touch with you.


Full Member
Aug 12, 2001
Knoxville, TN
I was thinking Bestop as you don't have to do the drop bracket for the wiper motor. I'm not that concerned about ease of putting up and taking down as I run a bikini top only in the summer. The soft top would be for the winter months only.

If the mass buy is Bestop and the price is right, count me in.

Maybe we could get a single vendor to do both or two vendors (one for STC, one for Bestop)?

Dave St

Full Member
Apr 2, 2003
Roanoke, VA
Okay...sorry to keep posting over and over, but...

Tom's and Chris have both been very responsive and easy to deal with.

Tom's replied that it was not at all necessary for everyone to get the same color/tint options, they just wanted to try to get a rough idea of which way everyone was leaning.

Chris also called STC and was told that they had some tops in stock, but if they ran out there would only be a 2 or 3 week wait. He also would like a rough count.

I sent another e-mail to Tom's asking (if they end up being the vendor) if they will let us give them a total count, but take the orders individually so no one will have to worry about consolidating the order, credit cards, etc. Chris has already said he would do this.

Whoever wants to get in on this, please post what color and tint you would want so I can give a rough count. As I mentioned before, I have the price from Chris, so PM me if you want that information, but Tom's may come back with a lower price. I have not heard from JBG at all. I believe Skiddy is also getting in touch with a potential vendor, so hopefully after all is said and done we can get a good price. Personally, I would like to order mine the week after next and hopefully get it by the end of February. If all goes well, perhaps we can decide on a vendor by the end of next week, but we need to make sure we have enough buyers to make it worth the vendors' while. Forgive me if I am being a little agressive on this, I just don't want it to fall through.

Whichever way it turns out, I am in for a black top with tinted windows ;D


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
The person I talked just emailed me back and would be glad to do it. I told him to get in touch with you. you should get a response from him soon.
Good luck guys and I do like my top very much ;D


Full Member
Aug 12, 2001
Knoxville, TN
Sounds like the mass buy might be on. Is this for the STC or Bestop? If just STC, is there any interest in a Bestop mass buy?


Bronco Parts Collector
Dec 30, 2004
I am definately interested in a black top if the price is right and probably plain windows instead of tinted.


Jr. Member
Oct 13, 2004
Dave St said:
I sent an e-mail to Chris, and also to JBG and Tom's Bronco Parts asking if they would like to participate in a mass buy on the STC top. It looks like about 9 people have posted that they are at least interested since yesterday, with a few saying they are definitely in. I will let everyone know what response I get.


That would be me guys (Chris). I would be more than happy to be the vendor on the group buy as I have told Dave. I made a post several months ago asking if anyone is intersted as you will see at the beginning of the thread. I sent him my ideas on pricing for it and we will see what the other vendors come up with. I am prepared to meet or beat anyone else and look forward to doing business with all of you soon.

This will mainly be for the STC tops (All styles and colors) but anyone interested in Bestops, we can work something out there too. For Bestop inquiries, just drop me an email once the deal is a go and I will shoot you a price. Please include your zip code and be sure you tell me where you came from so I can get you the discount. This is of course only if we are the vendor chosen to do the mass buy.

Thanks guys!

PS: I am sending you a PM now about pricing. Taking it down a little more!


Jul 19, 2004
Chris I'm interested too. Black top with the tinted windows. Zip is 77024.


Sr. Member
May 25, 2004
Calgary, Alberta
I am interested now to decide Black for the red body or white for the soon to come Orange? Canada based EB as well. Let me know the price here or by PM and I will take it from there.


Full Member
Jan 15, 2005
Hey whats the word on this buy, don't want it too fall through and it sounds like there is a lot of interest. I'm in for a black with no tint. (I have already PMed on this but wanted to post on the thread)

Dave St

Full Member
Apr 2, 2003
Roanoke, VA
Okay, here is a list of everyone that has posted in the past few days. The "IN" list only includes those who said they are definitely in. The maybe list includes those who have said they are interested or said they were in if the price is right. I also listed the preference of those that have indicated it.

Dave St(me) - black w/ tint
broncobilly69 - black no tint
Orange Crush - white w/ tint

taxx - black no tint
horseman - tint
daddyg - black no tint


We need at least 10 people, and we get a slightly better price if we get 15 people. We need some of the maybe people to move into the "IN" column to make this happen. Please post if you want to get in on this deal and /or if you want to move from the maybe list to the in list, so we can get a definite count and get a firm price.

Tom's Bronco Parts is supposed to send me an offer on Tuesday.

Hopefully we can have an official mass buy by the end of the week.


Sr. Member
Sep 18, 2004
I want the STC. And I will know in a couple days if I am IN for sure or not. Gotta see somethings at work first this week.

Dave St

Full Member
Apr 2, 2003
Roanoke, VA
Here is the deal from Tom's Bronco Parts:

"...$539.00 plus shipping, for a period of 1 week in february at 10 or more tops. this can be for Bestop or STC tops. you can pick the week you
want to do it if we become the vendor for the mass buy."

This is the better offer of the two vendors that responded to my inquiry. This amounts to about 10% off their normal price of $599.

Tom's said that each person can place their order individually, and can choose STC, Bestop, tint, zip-out windows, etc. all for the same price. I was told that shipping will run from $45-$60. So we need to come up with at least 10 buyers and choose a one week window for the buy. Personally I would choose the week starting with Valentine's Day, but I would be fine with the last week of the month as well.

So, can we come up with 10 people?

I am going to start another thread titled "Need 10 People for Soft Top Mass Buy" so that it will be easier to track. Please post in that thread if you are definitely in for the buy.


Jr. Member
Oct 13, 2004

My price actually matched the above price with the minimum shipping and beats it by $15 at the $60 shipping rate. A top that is normally $599.00 on STC's site would be $584 with paid shipping anywhere in the continental US through me. Through Tom's, with the $45 minimum shipping would match my price of $584 or at the higher shipping rate would be more expensive. Just wanted to throw that out there to clear things up. Let me know when you have made a decision on the vendor. We can do the individual transactions as well. I look forward to working with all of you on the mass buy!

My pricing for the buy if we are chosen to be the vendor is $15 off the price listed on STC's website at www.specialtytopco.com plus free shipping. This applies no matter how many tops are actually bought. This price at minimum matches the other prices proposed and will beat their price by $15 when the shipping rate is $60. I just thought his would be the best way for everyone to know the price without worrying about what shipping will be. I take $15 off the price of the top and pay the shipping whether it is $45 or $60. Let me know what the final decision is.

Thanks guys!


Sr. Member
Sep 18, 2004
I don't get it. On the STC website if I go to the pricelist linked from the bronco tops I see the fast trac as:
$ 623.82

Got a link to your "Need 10 People" post?