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K-9 Safety


New Member
Aug 15, 2005
Has enyone figured out a safe way to transport your dogs in an open EB? I am looking into attaching a harness to the seats, but I would like a few opinions and photos if possible. Thanks


Sr. Member
Feb 13, 2003
I have a harness on the dog then a leash (to short to get out) clipped to the roll bar. Works great and cheap.


Jr. Member
Jan 7, 2006
Coeur d'Alene ID
I have a rope tied at floor level between the roll cage uprights, behind my seat. It has a loop in the middle with a leash attached. Lets her sit on the back seat, and have just enough rope to stick her head over the side, but not enough to jump and hang herself


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2002
Petoskey, MI
My G.F. bought a sweet harness designed for just that thing that works well as a plain old harness too.

BUT it's about the same as the 1st reply here...

They work great cause it dosen't CHOKE to retain AND the preasure is dispursed through the wide harness straps... if the SAFTY end needs to com into play...

If ya need it I'll ask her where she got em' from and get it to ya!

They rock cause I have a bull terrier and american staffardshire terrier... both have NO neck, all muscel and these harnesses work well and they can's escape from them... like EVERY other collar or harness made for wimpy dogs!

but i digress



Bronco Guru
Jul 31, 2001
Lakewood, CA
I've got a cage of expanded metal over some JBL truck box speakers between my front and rear seats. We hook a short lead to the center and then to a harness on the dog. If we roll he'll be hanging from the floor but should only smack into the seats and the speaker cage...


Bronco Guru
Jul 13, 2001
a harness is the only way to go for your dog. Both of mine wear them on the open jeep. The harness can be attached to the seatbelt or I have a strong rope tied to the seatbelt attachment on the floor with a heavy clip. The rope is just long enought for movement but short enought so that if the rig flipped the dogs cant touch the ground. The harness spreads the load across the chest and not the neck.


Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2001
Mine just clips on the roll cage.
If something gets to where I will flop, the Dog gets out.


Sr. Member
Feb 18, 2004
Cody, WY
I may be ignorant or redneck... maybe both... But... I don't see the point in restraining a dog like that. If you get in an accident/rollover, I think it would do more harm to him than not. If you actually tightened up those restraints to where it would do the dog some good, he would not be able to move and would hate you and avoid you the next time you tried putting him in it.

Are you considering these for a safety issue? Or is it that your dog just runs off and jumps out of the vehicle frequently? Just curious.


Bronco Guru
Jul 13, 2001
bob_lafrentz said:
I may be ignorant or redneck... maybe both... But... I don't see the point in restraining a dog like that. If you get in an accident/rollover, I think it would do more harm to him than not. If you actually tightened up those restraints to where it would do the dog some good, he would not be able to move and would hate you and avoid you the next time you tried putting him in it.

Are you considering these for a safety issue? Or is it that your dog just runs off and jumps out of the vehicle frequently? Just curious.

My reason of using a harness has several reasons but the main reason is for the Dogs safety. Just like you or I, in a accident with out some sort of restraint, the dog will no doubt fly right through the windshield or in a rollover get crushed. I care for my Dogs and would hate to see that happen. Wearing a harness spreads the load of impact across the dogs chest instead of around his neck. Even attached to a sturdy rope of the proper length attached to the ring on the back of the harness affords some movement although restricted to a point where the dogs are within the boundaries of the vehicle. There is also the issue of control. Here in NY there is a leash law and i would also not want to see my Dogs jump out at something that might happen to attract their attention.


Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2001
bob_lafrentz said:
I may be ignorant or redneck... maybe both... But... I don't see the point in restraining a dog like that. If you get in an accident/rollover, I think it would do more harm to him than not. If you actually tightened up those restraints to where it would do the dog some good, he would not be able to move and would hate you and avoid you the next time you tried putting him in it.

Are you considering these for a safety issue? Or is it that your dog just runs off and jumps out of the vehicle frequently? Just curious.
I guess you missed the post.
If I am doing something where I would put the dog in danger, the dog gets out.
Its mainly for slow trail riding, helping him stay in the bronco.
Under that blanket/cooler, is where my dog lies, there is actually a rack right there, keeping him out of the sun and any falling objects.


Bronco Guru
Jan 8, 2002
Wellington Nevada
Question for all you guys that bring dogs to the trails...do you pick up the droppings and haul them out or despose of it properly...dig a deep hole.



Bronco Guru
Nov 14, 2001
ctowery said:
Question for all you guys that bring dogs to the trails...do you pick up the droppings and haul them out or despose of it properly...dig a deep hole.


depends on where I am wheeling - around most of colorado in the woods, I'll leave it as long as its off the trail. If it is in Moab, sand dunes, etc - I'll pack it out.

I use the harnesses on my dogs for two reasons - one incase of a sudden incident/accident while driving to the trail or even on the trail - they have enough leash to get stand up and turn around with, but thats about it; so if the crap really did hit the fan, they would only hit the seat they are on. If I am going to try an obstical that I know may get hairy, then the dogs get out with my wife and they watch me possibly make a fool of myself.


Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2001
Yes, I pick up after my dog.
He normally wears a backpack that carrys ziplock bags, food and water for him and my other dog (other dog is a puppy, and I don't trust him with the weight of the backpack.
It also normally has....... drinks in it as well, you know for ballast.


Jr. Member
Jul 12, 2002
No Cal
ctowery said:
Great, 2 guys that are responsible! Thanks! Hopefully everyone else follows your examples.

I'd like to hear what the rationale is for packing out animal waste. Human waste needs to get buried or packed out becasue of disease and becasue tp takes a lot longer to decompose. If my dog craps on the trail or near a campsite then it gets moved. Please enlighten me as to what my dog waste is threatening. I don't like horses and cows crapping all over place but I'm not starting a crusade to get their owners to pack it out based on my dislike.


Bronco Guru
Nov 12, 2001
When you walk your dog in the park and it poops, what do you do? leave it?
Same thing to me in way, it was not there until I put it there (by bringing my dog) so I remove it.