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Mass Confusion Build. After 2 1/2 years It started!!



Bronco Guru
Mar 13, 2011
i don't know why i do this to myself, reading through these threads continually makes it overly apparent to me that at 19 years old, in college, with little to no tools and no space, and no experience that i will ever be able to do that much or nice of rust repair on my '69...

great work so far, she looks really nice
This is exactly the point of this build thread and hence the name mass confusion. I am 46 and learned to weld just three years ago. The last time I tore an engine apart was in high school.I have forgotten alot, but get the help I need here on this forum. I have done some of the dumbest things, and am still doing them. I have no shame though, as I am learning like alot of the others on here. I started out with a craftsman socket set just three years ago. Trust me, this rig is far from perfect and will probably be a work in progress for the next 2 1/2 years. I would much rather have mine runnin' and repairing than just sitting in the garage.

Back in the early nineties,while going to school in FL, I had a little honda that blew a head gasket. I had no idea what I was doing, and bought a chilton manual and a socket set and change out the gasket in the apartment parking lot. It went again about six months later, but I got it done. Bought me enough time to get enough money to buy my first brand new car. A 94 Ford Ranger that literally went to the four corners of this country. That socket set is the socket set that started this Bronco build. So don't despair, and don't sell it. Just get 'er done. ;D


Full Member
Apr 23, 2013
Omaha Nebraska
oh no i won't sell it for sure :) i won't part with any of my bronco's i have 2 now and a third on the way as long as it doesn't get taken away in the colorado flooding.

the '71 is a done bronco just getting some electrical hiccups sorted out, the '69 is my project bronco, i bought it and did simple maintenance kept it running and did my best to keep it as a daily driver until the '71 came along when shortly after the '69's clutch burned out, i've been doing small repairs while waiting to get the clutch fixed (new oil pan gasket, radiator, alternator, fan shroud etc) it's still pretty duanting, and i've been screwed by a few mechanics while seeking help. (one transmission shop cut my clutch rod intentionally so i would think i have to buy a new tranny)

i just don't think i could tear out an egine, or rebuild one or a tranny, or take the body off mine to do rust repair

the '71 and the one i am getting out of CO have no rust, the '69 has alot of rust, it's solid and safe to drive but there is surface rust everywhere, and the PO made alot of really crappy redneck repairs which is what i am mostly finding myself fixing. my mom is pushing for me to fix the '69 and sell it off though.

however i took welding courses all through highschool and took some college level welding courses, i can do plasma cutting, GMAW, SMAW, and oxy acetylene.

sadly i don't possess a welder, or air tools, and when it comes to rust usually i have to pay a mechanic to take an old rusty bolt off.

have you thought about sealing yours out to prevent rust? i had always planned to line-x the bottom and inside of my tubs to prevent rust and allow me to confidently drive them in the winter and always have a DD bronco.


Bronco Guru
Mar 13, 2011
Just a quick update. We will fast forward through the drama.Let's just say we had a little bit of a setback and life got in to the way.

I did get it roadworthy enough to drive it up to the top of our road with the family to go watch a parade. We were actually going to be in it, but I wasn't going to push the old gal since I had only yard driven it. I even got a thumbs up from a passerby on the way home. So I got to enjoy that bittersweet moment.

Here are the last pics of the Mass Casualty being tendered off to a proud new owner up in Tasker's neck of the woods. That was a couple of years ago, and despite the circumstances, the kids had a good Christmas because of the sale.

I want to thank Randy (Tasker) for the friendship and constant checking in to make sure we were doing ok. It's amazing the bond that can be created through an internet forum.

Also thanks to all those contributed and gave advice, it was greatly appreciated, since I knew nothing bronco related.
Things are getting better, and will continue and I am once again in the hunt for a EB in need of a little love and elbow grease.


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Bronco Guru
Sep 24, 2010
Nice to see your heart is still in it D'. Something will come your way again, It's destined to. You are now an expert and it will come easier the second time around.
Family always first.
Merry Christmas


Bronco Guru
Mar 13, 2011
The same goes to you Dave. I will be up for some trips north soon to visit with you and Randy and put in a little "Bronco time".


Glad to be here.
May 15, 2006
New Hampshire
Glad to see you back at it. Family first, always. I am sure something will come up, the market is pretty active in our area.


all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
MAKES me smile to hear you are well....keep after it brotha!