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MEB 2008 East Coast Bronco Roundup -- REGISTRATION DEADLINE - June 15


Bronco Guru
Aug 26, 2003
Well, the Roundup is only 1 week away and here is some final information that may be useful for the people that are, or may be coming.

The online registration will close Sunday evening June 15, 2008. If you are still undecided, please try to register before it closes so that we can have a good count of how many people to expect.

You can register at: http://earlybroncos.com/reginfo.htm

Want to see who's coming? http://www.earlybroncos.com/content/08ruattend.html

Here is an abbreviated Itinerary.

Thursday, June 19

5:00- 9:00 PM Participant Sign-In at the registration trailer
9:00 PM Night Ride - Easy warm-up ride to Pinnacle Rock Overlook
9:00 PM Campfire

Friday, June 20
8:00 AM Sign-In/tech inspection at staging
8:30 AM Group Photo / Drivers’ meeting
9:00 AM Trail Rides begin to depart
5:00-7:00 PM Show-n-Shine - Swap Meet
5:30-7:00 PM Late Sign-In.
7:00-8:00 PM Dinner at campground
8:00 PM RTI Ramp Challenge
9:00 PM Night rides if enough are interested

Saturday, June 21
8:00 AM Sign-In/tech - Drivers’ meeting
9:00 AM Rock Challenge Trail Rides will depart at different times
9:30-3:00 Street Cruise participants depart
1:00 PM Kids Fishing Contest at Lake
5:00 PM Tech Challenge
6:45-7:45 PM Dinner at campground
8:00 PM Awards presentations and Mega Prize Drawing

Directions to the Cove Campground:
The Cove is centrally located within easy driving distance of Baltimore and Washington, Richmond and Pittsburgh. It is just 12 miles off Interstate 81 on Rt 50 west. From exit 317 on I-81, take Rt 37 south to Rt 50. Take Rt 50 west approximately 8 miles to Gore, VA. Turn left on Rt 751 and 1/2 mile, turn left on Rt 704. Take Rt 704 for 4-1/2 miles to Rt 683. Take Rt 683 for 1/2 mile to the Cove entrance. Follow the Cove road for one mile to the Cove Lake and the Cove Headquarters. Pets welcome as long as you are in total control.

Physical address for you favorite mapping sites - 980 Cove Road, Gore, VA 22637 (540)-858-2882

Cove Campground Website - http://www.covecampground.com/

Please drive safely coming to the Roundup. We are really looking forward to having everyone there.

MEB Roundup Committee

What, no non-early bronco class??? :p


Bronco Guru
Aug 26, 2003
Also, whats the menu for Fri night??

And finally, which way is the better route. Coming from central NJ

1. 95 through baltimore, 70 W to 81 south


2. Pa turnpike to 81 south

Grossing over 17K, I usually like to stay out of the mnts (even highways in the mnts like 81) for as long as I can. Even driving up and down mild hills on the highway seems to suck a lot more fuel. It is 4 miles difference in milage, but supposedly 20 minutes longer going through Balt.


Have Bronco, Will Travel
Feb 1, 2006
Cuchara, CO
What, no non-early bronco class??? :p

Non-EB class? Well we do have a class on Thursday morning. It's a support group for for jeep owners. How to deal with EB-envy . . . But I don't think a guy with a Big Bronco would need to attend . . .


Jr. Member
Sep 22, 2006
Canton, MI

if i just want to come out for a few hours on one of the days to meet you guys what do i have to do? can i pay admission there that day or do i have to preregister? i have a funny work schedule so im not sure which day i will show up
oh yea im not bring my bronco because its in a million pieces.


Full Member
Mar 14, 2008
We invite everyone to come and see what the Roundup is all about. No problem checking it out for a day or even a few hours. If you come just 1 time, you'll be making plans to attend the next year. The campground is going to charge you a $10.00 per person day fee to get in. Friday morning trail rides depart and in the evening the RTI ramp, show & shine, and swap meet. Saturday morning you can watch the rock crawl competition then hang out at the base camp or possibly catch a ride on the street cruise or a trail ride. Sat evening is the tech challenge, and the raffle where we're giving away over $20,000.00 worth of prizes!


Have Bronco, Will Travel
Feb 1, 2006
Cuchara, CO
if i just want to come out for a few hours on one of the days to meet you guys what do i have to do? can i pay admission there that day or do i have to preregister? i have a funny work schedule so im not sure which day i will show up
oh yea im not bring my bronco because its in a million pieces.

NYHB - like Roadburner says, you are welcome to come out and hang for as long as you want. If you can get there before about 9 am on Friday or Saturday we can probably hook you up with an open seat if you would like to go on a trail ride. Just look for someone with a staff shirt or hat on. The meals will cost 10 bucks each night so be sure to get a meal ticket as soon as you show up in case we run out!

Hope to see you there.


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2002
St George Island, MD
OX, I'd look into coming down 95 to Allentown and out 78 to 81 south, that is the fastest and best route from me to you, so I assume it would work equally well in reverse...
I'm still too poor to register, but I'm hoping that changes before next week.
chris on real tires I have to see!
and WHERE IS Mr Joe?????
Bill, should I load those axles back up????


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
Bill, should I load those axles back up????
Better..but I'm not sure the rear 60 is going to hang in there for the entire weekend. Something not quite right inside...after I replaced the dif yoke that Matt broke in to three pieces all the way to the inside end of the spline. I think the Detroit might be trashed...%)


Bronco Guru
Aug 26, 2003
Better..but I'm not sure the rear 60 is going to hang in there for the entire weekend. Something not quite right inside...after I replaced the dif yoke that Matt broke in to three pieces all the way to the inside end of the spline. I think the Detroit might be trashed...%)

Stick a welded open in it for now........ (I know you have one "somewhere"). Would not even check backlash after the swap, those gears gotta be trashed anyway, from that plug rollin round in there....... :p


Bronco Guru
Aug 26, 2003
OX, I'd look into coming down 95 to Allentown and out 78 to 81 south, that is the fastest and best route from me to you, so I assume it would work equally well in reverse...
I'm still too poor to register, but I'm hoping that changes before next week.
chris on real tires I have to see!
and WHERE IS Mr Joe?????
Bill, should I load those axles back up????

I'd have to go north to get to 78 (up the NE extension, which is how I get to Rausch). I'm almost exactly even (north/south) with the PA turnpike. 78 is pretty far out of the way me thinks.


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2002
St George Island, MD
Yeah i guess so....would probably be a wash between 95 and pa turnpike as far as time then, I was thinking you were further north, sorry Jim...
The turnpike although I hate it, would most likely be flatter....


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
Stick a welded open in it for now........ (I know you have one "somewhere"). Would not even check backlash after the swap, those gears gotta be trashed anyway, from that plug rollin round in there....... :p

I fact..the dang gears munched on that plug something terrible and are still fine. It's somethign in the Detroit..heck I've got a 1/4-turn of yoke before a tire moves...but I can feel that the gear backlash is still fine.

She's getting an ARB and 35-spline axles next...


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
I fact..the dang gears munched on that plug something terrible and are still fine. It's somethign in the Detroit..heck I've got a 1/4-turn of yoke before a tire moves...but I can feel that the gear backlash is still fine.

She's getting an ARB and 35-spline axles next...

Bill your detroit is broken. The inside ratcheting bars are breaking off inside the locker. Just a matter of time now. You animal!


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
Bill your detroit is broken. The inside ratcheting bars are breaking off inside the locker. Just a matter of time now. You animal!

Not my fault Roger...It's all Holley's fault;D
.next trail rig I build is gonna have that 65 BHP 4-cyl Peugot diesel in it that I have sitting here..%)


Bronco Guru
Oct 12, 2006
Huntersville, NC
Hey Guys gonna get to go this year minus the bronco again. Me and my dad will be down sat morning for the day. Pretty excited for this year.