Well, the Roundup is only 1 week away and here is some final information that may be useful for the people that are, or may be coming.
The online registration will close Sunday evening June 15, 2008. If you are still undecided, please try to register before it closes so that we can have a good count of how many people to expect.
You can register at: http://earlybroncos.com/reginfo.htm
Want to see who's coming? http://www.earlybroncos.com/content/08ruattend.html
Here is an abbreviated Itinerary.
Thursday, June 19
5:00- 9:00 PM Participant Sign-In at the registration trailer
9:00 PM Night Ride - Easy warm-up ride to Pinnacle Rock Overlook
9:00 PM Campfire
Friday, June 20
8:00 AM Sign-In/tech inspection at staging
8:30 AM Group Photo / Drivers’ meeting
9:00 AM Trail Rides begin to depart
5:00-7:00 PM Show-n-Shine - Swap Meet
5:30-7:00 PM Late Sign-In.
7:00-8:00 PM Dinner at campground
8:00 PM RTI Ramp Challenge
9:00 PM Night rides if enough are interested
Saturday, June 21
8:00 AM Sign-In/tech - Drivers’ meeting
9:00 AM Rock Challenge Trail Rides will depart at different times
9:30-3:00 Street Cruise participants depart
1:00 PM Kids Fishing Contest at Lake
5:00 PM Tech Challenge
6:45-7:45 PM Dinner at campground
8:00 PM Awards presentations and Mega Prize Drawing
Directions to the Cove Campground:
The Cove is centrally located within easy driving distance of Baltimore and Washington, Richmond and Pittsburgh. It is just 12 miles off Interstate 81 on Rt 50 west. From exit 317 on I-81, take Rt 37 south to Rt 50. Take Rt 50 west approximately 8 miles to Gore, VA. Turn left on Rt 751 and 1/2 mile, turn left on Rt 704. Take Rt 704 for 4-1/2 miles to Rt 683. Take Rt 683 for 1/2 mile to the Cove entrance. Follow the Cove road for one mile to the Cove Lake and the Cove Headquarters. Pets welcome as long as you are in total control.
Physical address for you favorite mapping sites - 980 Cove Road, Gore, VA 22637 (540)-858-2882
Cove Campground Website - http://www.covecampground.com/
Please drive safely coming to the Roundup. We are really looking forward to having everyone there.
MEB Roundup Committee
What, no non-early bronco class???