BigJ, Jake, ORBronco, Tuffy is pending to a local guy. If that falls through I'll contact you in order. Thanks!
Bernie, another local guy is buying the bezels. I'll let you know if he doesn't take them. Things are going. You know these Bronco's as soon as you think you're making progress you find something else you need to fix or buy. I keep running into things the PO did that I have to undo. About have the doors cleaned up. I should have known but never would have guessed the amount of concrete on the inside of them

Just need to get a few new parts for them, paint, and put them back together. I still havent gotten that fender off yet - still soaking it with PB. Gotta talk to Kevin about my gauge cluster and hopefully I'll be running in a few weeks. I need to do something. I can't roll it any farther and I'm out of driveway for the Dana44 to leak on