pat ... what size rims are those rims on your EB ? 15x12s ?
how do you fancy this set ( sandblasted and enlarged center bore to 4.25" )
how do you fancy this set ( sandblasted and enlarged center bore to 4.25" )
i fancy them very much!!! Why you teasing me like that? You need my shipping address or do you still have it?;d
didnt know if you were Vector specific ... 10 4 ... I have it !!
Pat, you bronco build is an inspiration, I just took all day today reading and looking and learning from your thread, holy cow, keep it going and enjoy!!! it's gonna look SWEET when it's done.
You sir are an artist!
could look like this
More progress! I had to stop there cause I got a piece of metal in my eye and could no longer keep my eye open so I went to the eye doctor and got it drilled out.%)