This is my 1000th post!
I'm still around redpony. Just been posting less. Sold a few items on here to some great Bronco gearheads. Glad you enjoy my lack of good judgement on what Bronco to start with for my build! ha!
Need to work on a few items. Hope to make it to the AZ Bronco Stampede. FiTech is running decent but could sure use some little tweaks here and there. They have decent tech support, but it would be nice if there was a complete manual to understand what each adjustment parameter does to drivability. Best source of info is Facebook pages dedicated to tuning FiTech.
The Hi9 3rd has worked great for me. No issues, I'm no KOH race so I've not experience any issues with it thus far. Rear ARB is a fun little toy.
408W with NP435 is not a race car, but I knew that when I was building it. I do have an NV4500 in my garage (still won't be a race car), hmmm...
Items to address:
Register for 2018 AZ Stampede
FiTech tuning (have a new O2 sensor to install too)
Wiring needs to be cleaned up a little
Breather lines on axles front and rear and transmission/TC (ARB breather kit on order)
Oil dipstick threads leaking
Finish wiring power to winch
Interior door panels
Sell more old Bronco parts maybe
Sell or build something else with crawler parts I've collected over the years (Ha!)