This just in.....
My good friend and Ford Motor Comany's representive to this year's Bronco 40th Anniversary events, Harry Rawlins, has just sent me an update.
Harry is on his way to the 40th in CA as well and just left TX this morning where he picked up Ted Nugents Zebra Bronco that I have arranged as a feature for the Carlisle All-Ford Nationals in, PA next month. Since Harry will have it with him, we will also have it on display at the events in CA and Moab as well!
This Bronco was originally prepped by Stroppe and then by Rausch Racing. It has been used hard by the Motor City Madman at his ranches in Michigan and Texas and is now showing some wear and tear but is still a very cool ride. There will be some info coming out soon about a future project with this Bronco, but I'm still sworn to secrecy at this point:-X
As an added bonus, Harry infomed me that not only will he be bringing a $750 Ford Racing gift certifiicate for both the CA and PA events, he has also arranged that anyone who is a registered participant at the events listed below will be entered into a drawing for a FORD CRATE MOTOR!
- EBR's 40th Anniversary in Victorville, CA
- B.R.O.N.C.O. Safari in Moab
- Carlisle All-Ford Nationals in Carlisle, PA
- East Coast Bronco 40th Anniversay in Hazleton, PA
- You MUST be a REGISTERED Ford Bronco participant and ATTEND one or more of these events to be eligible.
- If attending more than one of these events, you will have an entry for each event attended for each Bronco you bring.
- The drawing will be held during the Saturday awards and prize raffle at Red Ridge Lake Campground during the East Coast Bronco 40th Anniversay in Hazleton, PA.
Harry will be attending each of the listed events, so please be sure to say hi and let him know how much we appreciate his hard work to secure this great sponsorship! With the the tough financial times FoMoCo is experiancing right now, Harry has come though BIG considering many racing programs and most similar sponsorship has been put on hold.
Here is a pic of Harry's F-550 company test rig and trailer with his EB and the Zebra this moring after loading up at Ted's ranch in Texas.