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New Bronco guy here

Mar 18, 2019
Hey gents. I'm new to the first generation bronco world. I've had a 78 for a few years thats more or less a beat around in kinda ride. But it got me wanting a 1st gen. I bought a 71 back in the fall and I'm finally getting around to working on it. The body is fairly solid. But the rest of the thing is in parts. Motor and tranny are out, no brakes etc. It's pretty much a body on a rolling chassis. It came with a motor and tranny and a ton of parts. I'm looking for some direction on where to start? I'm thinking frame up restoration ( add power steering and brakes) but other than that keeping it mostly stock. Appreciate any insight y'all can give me


Jan 15, 2019
Tillamook OR
Welcome mlb. With the motor and tranny already out. I would go with frame off resto. Strip her down sandblast the frame . Start from there. Just my two cents.
Welcome to the site. These guys on here really know thier stuff and can answer just about any question you can cone up with. Good luck and welcome to the addiction.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Welcome from here too mlb! Should be fun learning what goes where from a pile-o-parts. Seems a lot of Broncos are that way these days.

Can't help with the direction though. Seems that the individual Bronco and owner circumstances tend to set the direction automatically. But agree with the frame off, or at least frame-on but full resto. While it's halfway apart there's not going to be a better chance.
But if you're thinking you want to be driving it soon, better re-think one or the other. Either doing a full resto, or driving it anytime soon.
Some people can get things rolling and get them done relatively quickly, but most end up being multiple year projects due to other things (like life and family) getting first priority.

And you doing all the work yourself, vs having someone do at least some of it, will dictate stuff too.
Will you be doing all the work?

I would perhaps start by taking stock of what parts you already have. Bag 'em and tag 'em as you go through if that has not been done already by the PO. That way you don't have to dig through piles five or six times looking for the same parts you had your hands on three days before.
Probably just good practice no matter what vehicle you have, but as simple and basic as Broncos are, they go together just like any other ride. Slowly and with more parts than you thought.
Many of which won't fit!

Look forward to seeing/hearing of your progress. When you get a chance post up some pics. Either use your "garage" feature for some limited photos, use an online image hosting site, or become a contributor for 12bucks a year so you can upload them directly to the site in your posts.
Any way works, and we love pics.

You might even find you live near other members that might enjoy getting together. Maybe even a "parts sorting party and bbq" when the weather gets nicer will be a fun way to meet up!

Good luck.
See how I just invited a bunch of strangers to your house even though we don't know each other? %)



Full Member
Aug 27, 2007
Boulder City, NV
Hello MLB,
Welcome and much luck on your project. Some items will need to be addressed regardless of your end goal (brakes, steering, bushings, drivetrain, etc.).
Frame offs take a lot of time and a lot of $, simply getting her back running and safe will be great starter goal. My families 2 broncos have evolved over time, hard to get it all done quickly. Much more fun to drive and keep wrenching IMO.


Sr. Member
Oct 23, 2017
SW Florida
Mlb... If you can post where are you located.... There are a ton of people who are willing to give you info, help you or give you contacts of local people and clubs. Ask questions here, I can tell you from experience that the will give you great advice and not belittle you. One of the best fourms I have been involved with! I did a frame off- ground up. I am in year 2 with occasional help from a shop. To each his own, best of luck, make it yours!


Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2007
Welcome to the site. This has got to be the best Early Bronco resource on the web. Make sure and take lots of pictures and post 'em up. We love pics! :)
What is your intended use? Mostly street or offroad as well?


Bronco Guru
Apr 19, 2014
Spot on, jedblake "Frame offs take a lot of time and a lot of $, simply getting her back running and safe will be great starter goal." and hugely important. The time and money demands of a frame off can be ginormous, been there, still doing that, never again. There's a pretty substantial number of faded dream gonna build a beauty badass Broncos out there that never make finished line. Get 'er driveable and then figure where to next. "Frame offs take a lot of time and a lot of $, simply getting her back running and safe will be great starter goal." Whatever you decide, welcome aboard!


Bronco Guru
Apr 8, 2017
Pulaski, PA
I would say frame off is the best option if you have the time and Money! I am 3/4 of the way there and have spent double what I thought it was going to be! It has been a heck of a year trying to get it done but I have been loving every minute of it. I have kept momentum thru the winter months be taking little parts into the basement cleaning them painting them etc. That has saved a ton of time because you can do a 1/2 hour of work every evening in between other stuff and keep things going.
Mar 18, 2019
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'll get some pictures up in the next couple of days. I'm in no great big hurry to get this thing done, I just wanna do it right. I bought it considering it may take a couple year (less would be great;D). I'd eventually like to have a rig that I can go out and fire up and just cruise in. Maybe some light trail riding thrown in the mix. Any idea where I could find a video or some detailed information on switching from manual to power steering?


Bronco Guru
Dec 25, 2007
Hey gents. I'm new to the first generation bronco world. I've had a 78 for a few years thats more or less a beat around in kinda ride. But it got me wanting a 1st gen. I bought a 71 back in the fall and I'm finally getting around to working on it. The body is fairly solid. But the rest of the thing is in parts. Motor and tranny are out, no brakes etc. It's pretty much a body on a rolling chassis. It came with a motor and tranny and a ton of parts. I'm looking for some direction on where to start? I'm thinking frame up restoration ( add power steering and brakes) but other than that keeping it mostly stock. Appreciate any insight y'all can give me

Hi MLB.... welcome. Where are you located? Like most have said we are offering our opinions but at the end of the day what do you want to do with the bronco? I bought my first one in 2005 and now the tub is sitting at my buddy's house with trees growing through it. I didn't have a timeline established because like you I was not in a rush. Since then I have had three more and ALL of them had a time frame per phase. For me that is what my motivation was.

Good luck no matter what you decide to do. I can't wait to see the pictures and learn where you are. Maybe your close and we can meet. If not there are plenty of people here that are very knowledgeable and willing to help when and where they are.


Bronco Guru
Aug 7, 2012
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I'll get some pictures up in the next couple of days. I'm in no great big hurry to get this thing done, I just wanna do it right. I bought it considering it may take a couple year (less would be great;D). I'd eventually like to have a rig that I can go out and fire up and just cruise in. Maybe some light trail riding thrown in the mix. Any idea where I could find a video or some detailed information on switching from manual to power steering?

YouTube for
Wild horses
Tom's Bronco Part's

Installation videos.

But all of those vendors have great installation instructions.
BC Broncos has a tech page you will like too.

There are tech pages here at CB you will want to familiarize yourself with as well.

Lots to learn here at CB, it is what keeps me coming back.
I learn something here all of the time.
I love this site.
You will too Buddy.