LOL I work for Toyota as a tech and yes the 4runner is a great truck but you have another thing coming if anybody thinks it wont have issues. lol VVT-I drums, Oil flow control valves, 02 sensors, cats, rear diff bearings, 4x4 diff actuators sticking, Wheel bearings going out with bigger dumb looking 20" plus wheels/tires. CV boots, X-rayes shock system blowing out. front timing cover oil leaks, water pumps, idler pulleys, rear main leak, And wow these trucks can get rusty underneath fast so then you have frozen front control arm ecentrics and tie rods, brake calipers freeze up easy, rear brake backing plates rust out and oh yea frame rust like all the rest of Toyota trucks, oh and all of the above includes FJ since its just a short wheelbase 4runner. Oh forgot charcoal canister malfunctions and air injection system issues.