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New Bronco Vs. New Jeep



Bronco Guru
Sep 4, 2005
I posted this in another thread but it’s relavent to this one as well. LEBC reps attended a Ford SoTex Sales meeting just before TG. Here is what the Sales Manager was allowed to release:

“The word I hear is that the team in Dearborn is still dimensioning all of the bodystyle/powertrain/content/user experience elements of the next gen Bronco. We have already announced that we will launch Bronco in 2020, and it will be manufactured alongside the new Ford Ranger at Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne, Michigan. All indications are that Bronco is a major priority for the company, and that our best designers and engineers are fully engaged in ensuring the vehicle is true to the first generation of Bronco, while delivering the capability the customer desires, and the canvas on which they will want to put their own personal touches. We are excited about the prospects of reintroducing Bronco into the Ford lineup in the not too distant future! Our Bronco enthusiasts and our Dealers eagerly await the first look at the soon to be released Ford Bronco!!!”

The 2 main points are “true to original Bronco” (why they only wanted EBs at the meeting), and that it will be customizable (aftermarket support like Jeep). Also we were asked to provide some input to the design team. We provided comments very much in line with all the comments in this thread and others on CB. I too hope they listen!

Sweet. This is good.


Sr. Member
May 2, 2016
The 2018 JL Wrangler was just revealed and it is AWESOME. The inconveniences of folding the top, putting on 35's and lots of other things are now convenient. Jeep stole the thunder once again. Lots of guys including me are going to have a hard time resisting it until the new Bronco comes out.


They clearly have decades of experience doing this. I am completely impressed as well. I hope that the Ford people are keyed into every little detail like they are at Jeep and that they bring something to market that will be comparable. With that said, that maroon dash on a yellow-green body is just plain ridiculous looking. Good to know there is still room for improvement while Ford catches up. ;-)


Lick Creek Restorations
Jul 25, 2010
The 2 main points are “true to original Bronco” (why they only wanted EBs at the meeting), and that it will be customizable (aftermarket support like Jeep). Also we were asked to provide some input to the design team. We provided comments very much in line with all the comments in this thread and others on CB. I too hope they listen!

After reading that, you have the exact same thoughts as I do on this.


Bronco Guru
Sep 4, 2005
what if it were a 4 cylinder x 5 inch slug x 4" stroke + Reallyawesomegyroscopicbalancethingy?

(that's 314 cubes, in case you were wondering.)

Ha. Cool beans. I mean...looks can only go so far. I want it to function well.


Bronco Guru
Nov 11, 2007
True to Bronco yet built along side Ranger. Tells me similar frames. Remember the last bronco built was built next to the F150 line....
Unless they both are going to offer solid front axles, i'm having doubts the new bronco will compete against anything jeep is coming out with next two years. Think of this, Jeep is already launching their next gen jeep, and ford has not even shown us a conceptual drawing. Why? What do they have to fear by at least showing us a hazed over artist conception? Are they trying to fool GM? They already announced they are building the darn thing. i unfortunately think unlike the mustang, it will not be true to form, and more in line with a 4-runner platform. Not bad, but not bronco.

We knew a new mustang would look like a mustang, and it did or better. And remained true to its heritage. Maybe there is hope, but I feel my next new bronco will be a diesel jeep.


Sr. Member
Jul 28, 2010
Maybe they will make it somewhat off road capable with basic customized options that will work with the new software that they have coming out. Anyone see the article where FORD is working on a system that the truck will drive itself over obstacles after evaluating the terrain and even advising that the occupants of the vehicle get out and walk if it thinks it may have a chance at rolling?



Mar 8, 2007
Maybe they will make it somewhat off road capable with basic customized options that will work with the new software that they have coming out. Anyone see the article where FORD is working on a system that the truck will drive itself over obstacles after evaluating the terrain and even advising that the occupants of the vehicle get out and walk if it thinks it may have a chance at rolling?


Sure would be nice..


Jr. Member
Jul 6, 2014
... i unfortunately think unlike the mustang, it will not be true to form, and more in line with a 4-runner platform. Not bad, but not bronco.

I agree with this. I think we'll end up getting an all new Ford Everest with Bronco badges. It currently rides on the same platform as the Australian Ranger. It'll compete more with the 4-runner then it will with the Wrangler.



Bronco Junky
Aug 28, 2008
Easton, MD
I really wish they would at least release a concept of what it will be. 2020 is not that far away and most times the cars are released the year before so late 2019. The Everest above is a nice rig but not a bronco!


Bronco Guru
Aug 11, 2014
Maybe they will make it somewhat off road capable with basic customized options that will work with the new software that they have coming out. Anyone see the article where FORD is working on a system that the truck will drive itself over obstacles after evaluating the terrain and even advising that the occupants of the vehicle get out and walk if it thinks it may have a chance at rolling?


Maybe they can have it email you pictures or video while you sit at home on the sofa.


Sr. Member
Aug 3, 2009
Fortuna, CA
Maybe Ford was waiting to see what the new JL was offering so they could see what the competition was offering. Probably wishful thinking...


Bronco Guru
Jul 30, 2007
Asheville, NC
Maybe they will make it somewhat off road capable with basic customized options that will work with the new software that they have coming out. Anyone see the article where FORD is working on a system that the truck will drive itself over obstacles after evaluating the terrain and even advising that the occupants of the vehicle get out and walk if it thinks it may have a chance at rolling?


Great, my truck can go 4 wheeling while I sit in camp napping. Seriously, the info coming out sounds positive.


Sr. Member
May 2, 2016
The Everest is nothing more than a dressed up edge to me, not interested. A Troller/wrangler look is what I hope for.

Nothing Special

Sr. Member
Nov 25, 2016
... All indications are that Bronco is a major priority for the company, and that our best designers and engineers are fully engaged in ensuring the vehicle is true to the first generation of Bronco....

....We knew a new mustang would look like a mustang, and it did or better. And remained true to its heritage. Maybe there is hope, but I feel my next new bronco will be a diesel jeep.

One problem with keeping the Bronco true to its heritage vs doing the same with the Mustang or Wrangler is that Ford abandoned the first gen Bronco heritage 40 years ago while Mustang and Wrangler have always been important and consistent products. The full-size Bronco was a nice truck, and I'm not saying that replacing the early Bronco with it was a financially bad idea for Ford. But when they did (and even more so when they used the Bronco name on the Bronco II) they watered down the Bronco name so it doesn't really have a heritage anymore.

Also the Wrangler and Mustang products both evolved a lot over those 40 years, but the point is that both evolved. They kept improving on the existing product. Ford can't evolve the early Bronco because it's 40 years old. They have to completely start over. So if they are going to make a modern early Bronco (rather than just another SUV with the name "Bronco"), they have to guess what a 2017 early Bronco would have been if the '77 had evolved over the past 40 years, and then figure out how to evolve that even farther. And then how many people are going to agree with what Ford came up with and want to buy it?

And then there's the lack of a loyal customer base. Face it, with a 40 year gap Ford has a very small number of early Bronco owners to aim a new vehicle at. Mustang and Wrangler both have a 50+ year string of loyal customers looking for the next one. I think it would be a mistake (financially) for Ford to aim to closely as us, so I'm pretty well counting on them just coming out with a relatively new SUV. I hope I'm wrong, but I think the only chance of me getting one is if my wife decides she wants to get one to replace her Escape.


Bronco Guru
Aug 7, 2012
The Everest is nothing more than a dressed up edge to me, not interested. A Troller/wrangler look is what I hope for.

Sorry but....

You could not be more wrong.

Either you have no idea what an Edge is or you have not read a single link provided here on CB about the Everest.