68ford said:
dont make a set up to put 2 heims on top of the pass side knuckle, you yoke methid is 10times stronger and better than the draglink going all the way to the knuckle like people run. 2 heims mounted single shere is crazy! plus having the draglink that long when it should be the same length as the trackbar promotes the most possible bupsteer. plus your yoke eliminates possible maxing of the heim(dont know if thats an issue though).
equal length equal angle= no bumpsteer.
pics above will have some bumpsteer, the draglink is long and almost level= hardley any side to side movement, trackbar is short and steep= lots of side to side movement.
ive drawn all the different lengths and angles in solid works and cycled it. your yoke setup,like mine, with equal lengths and angles,is the only way to have zero bumpsteer and again its the strongest.
you gona race mdr at the end of this month or the beard shootout race?
You're just getting on my nerves now. I think you're getting emotional. Do you need sometime at the mindbender to get back down to earth? I think you're mad that I bashed your 22" travel half circle leafs. :'( :'( There is more than one way to do things. Get over it. %) %)
As for the stacked heims...No they are not the best way to do things. But it is far from 'CRAZY' for a vehicle that is crawling and doesn't jump in the air. I've been running in the rocks for several years on some of the most insane trails and have never had an issue with the heims mounted that way. My rig has all the toys and very low gears too.
As for desert racing, which I suspect that is what you do, no I would not run stacked heims. The pressure that way would be much more concerning...especially with your half circles. There are several customers out there with several needs so think before you spew next time. I've never had bump steer because I too understand stearing geometry and how far you can push it and avoid bump stear.
As for selling something that would accomodate the PU set up...Chuck is right...you can buy the tap at most hardware stores and a hack saw is in all our tool bags. All you need is the yoke which I would bend at my local Blue Collar store. So, Chuck is right. Do it yourself. I was just thinking it might be a $$$ opportunity for him since there is so many of these kits out there.
Now don't go away mad...just go away.