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Ordering New Frame

Jamie Chriss

Sr. Member
Feb 28, 2015
I have my new body to the point I need a frame to build finish it on. My current build post: Floor Pans and Other Half Done Metal Work has all my pictures since I first tore it apart. Since I am building this as my forever truck, then plan on passing it down the line truck, I don't mind spending good money on this build. I am steering towards the Krawlers Edge frame, base price $4000.00 or the Throttle Down Kustoms mandrel bent frame at $2800.00. My frame is beyond repair to me, I am aware of all the VIN number stuff, BTW. I think if I ever want to go Coyote the KE frame might be a good investment. So I have a few choices to make:

The truck will be used as a second car, plans are to be able to drive to where ever I want, freeway, fire roads, light trails, desert, camping, fishing truck

KE builds its frame to order, so I need to provide them with some basics:
Engine, Transmission, Transfer Case, Body Lift, Suspension and Gas Tank

Thinking about but not purchased:

Engine: ATK mild build 351 ($4500), w/ will need to find explorer EFI ($?) *seems to be a good fit for a Bronco, good torq, very open to opinions please, would consider a current model F150 4x4 Coyote, Transfer Case, 6 Speed no idea how to even start with a budget or how to find a low milage motor?

23 Gallon Tank - no idea yet

Transmission: Thinking 5 Speed Manual ($3000) X15 or NV3550
*Currently has a C4, transmission, was poorly upgraded from shift on the column 3 speed manual to the C4, I am very open to onions. C4 is a no go for me. Would consider Automatic shift..

Suspension: WH 2.5" Leaf’s, 2 inch body lift (Extra Room For The Coyote someday) adjustable Bilstein’s Resivore shocks ($1600) Open to onions

Power Steering, old needs to be rebuilt I think

Transfer Case Needs Full Rebuild - Going with Twin Stick

Rear End needs full rebuild
Open to opinion staying with 33" tires

Front Chevy with Disk brakes just needs cleaned up, seals etc.


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Jr. Member
Sep 22, 2017
Mount Washington, Ky
Sounds real close to how I want to do my build. If your thinking about doing a coyote build, best to just do it now. No use spending all that money on a 351 and other parts only to later pull it back out. If you do start with the 351 at least move the passenger side inner fender out an 1' or 2' before you paint it. Many people make the inner fender panel removable to allow some extra access to the coyote engine. This coyote thread has some good information. http://classicbroncos.com/forums/showthread.php?t=281084


Sr. Member
Jan 28, 2011
San Francisco Bay Area


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Bronco Guru
Feb 16, 2011
I highly suggest talking with your local dmv when it comes to changing your frame. Just my 0.02 cents.


Bronco Guru
Jun 19, 2014
You should rename your build the can of worms holy cow....it'll be a nice truck when its done though!


Bronco Guru
Jun 13, 2007
I've got the 351W with fuel injection and love it! Harness and computer from 98 Explorer. EFIGuy did the tune. 34 lb injectors and Lightning upper/lower. It makes really good power but you will always want more... might suggest looking at a stroker.
Jamie Chriss

Jamie Chriss

Sr. Member
Feb 28, 2015
Sanndmann, I like the idea of the 351 with the Explorer dress. I am not sure how to get the ball rolling. ATK has some nice crate motors, they have two build options for the 351. what would be harvested off the Explorer? I know there are tons of posts on complete motors but I only want the injection.


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
If you buy a used frame make sure you get a bill of sale with the frame number on it and buy it from the legal registered owner. In some states these type of documents need to be notarized.

Keep these documents with the Bronco forever. Keep your old frame sections with the stamped numbers and hopefully this Bronco was registered and titled to you before you started. Don't get rid of anything until you get clean title and registration.

With proper records and title the Bronco could be re-titled in most cases with a new assigned Vin because of the frame change. Some states are real sticklers, like NY where it is nearly impossible to resurrect a dead truck. Buying a frame with no documentation leaves you open with intent to defraud especially if the frame comes up stolen. Remember to title this thing you will be dealing with the authorities that will be looking at everything very closely that's needed to make it legal.

Here in California the frame and its factory assigned numbers rule the day. Hopefully the truck was registered and titled to you before you started this project. The DMV is much friendlier if you already have title to the truck.

Here in California this old car country and the state DMV has procedures for dealing with this stuff if you have proper paperwork going in and the help with a sympathetic DMV personnel. Don't go to a big city DMV swamped with big city issues and expect much help.

Be nice and tell them I have a problem and please I need your help in resolving it. You will get very frustrated and upset with the process and may have to return several times. Be nice don't show your frustration and work your way through the process. Do it wrong and the DMV person may send you back and forth on every single piece of paperwork one page at a time.
Been there and done that path it wasn't fun. Changed my attitude on how I deal with DMV problems after that lesson.

I live in LA county and use to go to Barstow office to deal with sticky issues just because there were no big city issues there. People were much less stressed and willing to help. The staff there were much more knowledgeable mostly for the less turnover rate in people. Make sure you go at proper business times. Because if the staff has questions they have to call Sacramento for answers. Being in the DMV at 5:00 pm and looking for answers from Sacramento isnt going to work very well.


Lick Creek Restorations
Jul 25, 2010
When you order your frame from KE, keep in mind that they can build in a body lift and offset the bumper mounts. It is a very sweet and clean feature. Their frames are very nicely built, I have seen quite a few of them over the past few months and they are a very nice component.
Jamie Chriss

Jamie Chriss

Sr. Member
Feb 28, 2015
The Bronco is currently registered to me in Califonia. My frame is toast, I am going to get a new frame and cut the vin's off the frame and keep them with the truck. Not saying I am going to weld them on, just keep them. I am buying a new frame so I will have proof of the purchase.

I love the comminity here on Classic Bronco's, people taking the time to help others out!!!


Bronco Guru
Nov 11, 2007
Can't they do what they do for kit cars? Are you worried it won't have a Bronco type VIN?


Bronco Guru
Feb 16, 2011
The Bronco is currently registered to me in Califonia. My frame is toast, I am going to get a new frame and cut the vin's off the frame and keep them with the truck. Not saying I am going to weld them on, just keep them. I am buying a new frame so I will have proof of the purchase.

I love the comminity here on Classic Bronco's, people taking the time to help others out!!!

I may have missed it but what is the status of your bronco? Do you have the frame separated from the body? If it were me and before I sink $20k to $30k in your build I’d take the frame down to your dmv and have them document and take pictures of your vin on your ruined frame. Then tell them you want to purchase an aftermarket frame and get their recommendations on what to do with your old frame. I only recommend this because sometimes life gets in the way and you may have to sell your bronco. Having your bronco register and titled the correct way will allow you to sell your bronco to anyone in any state. If your frame have two stamped VINs I’d make sure to point that out to the guys at the dmv. Document document document!


Bronco Guru
Sep 10, 2009
I second what Rusty said. Check with DMV before you do anything. Don't spend that kind of $$ before you know you can do it legally. CA is just a different animal with stuff like that.