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Post here if you had your EB for over 5 years


Sr. Member
May 20, 2003
I've had the current bronco since 2001 and been lurking on this awesome site a lot longer than that!


Full Member
May 5, 2005
Just made 5yr window

Just made 5 year ownership with current EB.

In May 2010, will be on Classic Bronco for 5 years, and still a JR member. Guess that means Junior. Maybe I don't chime in with enough comments on stuff.
Oh well.

This is Bronco # 8, DROVE THEM NEW. Have had every engine option in at least one of my EBs. Hard, half, fiberglass and soft-top.

big wheel, little wheel, un-cut, cut, etc.

Not my only favorite vehicle, but definitely on the list of FAV 4WD.

BTW, I am collecting my FAV vehicle list, reasoning why I still own a EB

This one will be in an estate sale in 40-60 years.:cool:




Jr. Member
Jun 27, 2009
Got my first one in 89(72EB) sold it in 90. Second one in 90 (79FS). Third in 91 (75EB) sold the 79 in 91 and got an 85. Brother rolled 75 in 92 sold in 93 for parts. Sold 85 in 92 or 93 I can't recall exactly. In 97 I found the 79FS and bought it back untill I sold it in 99. 2005 found my current 75EB and have no plans on selling this one. 2007 purchased a 75 and sold it one month later. Now I'm looking for another to wheel. Your never really cured of the sickness. Broncos are in the blood, and I've now infected my kids. Yes, I meet the 5 year mark.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
...I either have time and no money or money and no time. And if I have money and no time then the money get spent elsewhere. Such is life. It will get done eventually. Yes I do envy you guys driving yours on the trails.

Been there too. Which is why mine went from DD (daily driver) to dd (driveway dumpster), quietly over a long period of time. Been selling parts off of it ever since, to feed my addiction. Luckily though, at least some of the money from the sale of parts has gone into the new-and-improved parts pile growing in my garage.

First Bronco ride was in mid-'66 on the back wheelwell (don't think it had a seat, but that part of the memory fades...) of a then-new '66 owned by a friend of my parents. Took us through the woods around Lake Isabella, CA for a wonderful memory-making ride. One short turn around a big pine tree on a side-hill with that ultra-short Bronco turning radius and I was hooked.
Never been the same since.

Bought mine in April of '77, so I'm just past the 3-year mark. Uh, make that 33 year mark! Oy.
