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Questions on Moving Rear Axle Back for 4r70w



Bronco Guru
May 28, 2013
I rebuilt my 4R70W myself a few months ago, and it works great! My dyno test simply involved driving the h@ll out of it behind my 408W though 🤣 As long as you followed all of the instructions, air checked the pistons, and your clutch pack clearances checked out, you should be good to go.

Yes! I like your stye! I think you were one of the members who convinced me to do in another post using the Transmission Bench video series. Jim is awesome and even answered questions over the phone. I ended up finding a few parts using his testing/inspection instructions that needed replacement on top of the deluxe rebuild kit. Also had the torque converter rebuild and glad I did. There we several fins getting ready to let go. The guy stitch welded each one!

Cant wait to get it in!


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Broncos have Brakes? :)
Yes, there is still inertia to take into account. But it shouldn’t be so great as to overcome properly torqued u-bolts. At least not for a 2 mile drive I would hope.
Sure, it’s possible. Shocks might reduce it a little, but it’s still a thing.
However, I would imagine that under normal driving conditions, the U-bolts, especially the 5/8 variety torqued to 110/20 foot pounds, should hold the axle for the duration.


Bronco Guru
May 28, 2013
Getting close to digging into the project and have some follow up questions -

I got my WH spring perches @jamesroney suggest and will drill them based on mock up. I should have plenty of axle/tank clearance to go 1.25" probably more.

Do I need to gut the axle housing when the perches are welded?

These larger perches help with axle wrap but should I still consider one of the anti-wrap devises?

Im also considering an axle truss while I have everything apart. Nothing crazy since its not a rock rig but something like this that won't extend the back of the housing into the tank.


Should I gut the housing to install this?

Thanks again for all the input


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Do I need to gut the axle housing when the perches are welded?
Good question. I'll bet that most of them are welded on with everything still installed, but the axle seal is relatively nearby, and it's a good bit of welding. Hopefully the others will relate their experiences.
But in either event, I would say that stitch welding (probably not the correct term?) is the way to go. Just don't weld the entire thing all at the same time. Let the tube cool down between welds.
Then again, I'm not a welder and that tube is pretty thick! Interested to hear what the welders in the groups say.
These larger perches help with axle wrap but should I still consider one of the anti-wrap devises?
What's your intended use? What tire size and gear ratios are you planning? The stock springs wrap like big dogs, and lift springs probably even more. The perches reduce, but cannot eliminate this. But do you need an anti-wrap device? Well, all Broncos can benefit from them. But are they strictly necessary? Ask any one of the thousands of people running modified and stock Broncos around for the last almost 60 years without them, and see what they say.
In other words, you don't need it. But should you consider it? Sure, why not!
But again, depends on how you're going to set up your Bronco and how you're going to use it. I guess I should re-read the thread in case you've already gone over that.
Im also considering an axle truss while I have everything apart. Nothing crazy since its not a rock rig but something like this that won't extend the back of the housing into the tank.


Should I gut the housing to install this?
Again, good question. I'd say yes, but since the welding is not done near the axle seals, but could still effect the pinion area, I'd say if you're careful and don't weld it all at one time, you could get away with it. But the "not at one time" thing might be good not just for the internals, but also the relative straightness of the tubes with all that heat.
Again, waiting for the experts...

But make sure it's sized correctly for your housing before you buy. Notice that it's for an aftermarket HD gusseted housing. Is that what you're running?
I don't remember if you discussed what type of rear end you have. But if it's a stock pre-'77 9" housing, that truss might need some extra massaging to fit.



Sr. Member
Sep 11, 2007
Fremont, CA
1. Do I need to gut the axle housing when the perches are welded?

2. These larger perches help with axle wrap but should I still consider one of the anti-wrap devises?

3. Im also considering an axle truss while I have everything apart?

3a. Should I gut the housing to install this?
1. no.
2. yes.
3. no.
4. yes. (because it needs to be media blasted, ground, fitted, welded, and powder coated.)

If I had the axle loose, and clean, and the welder fired up...I would 100% for sure absolutely install the BRACKETS for the wrap trap. Whether you connect it or not is then totally up to you. But now is the time to add the hardware. Especially if you are paying for welding.

In the order of priority, I would say:
a. wrap trap
b. spring perch
c. ...every other possible improvement on the Bronco.
z. housing truss.


Bronco Guru
May 28, 2013
Thank you both for the great feedback. I did a bunch of checking last night and the wrap trap should fit but won’t know for sure until I have it in hand. Exhaust may need some changes. I still may do the truss since I have everything a part. I think the 9” is out of a ‘77 so this truss should work?


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Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
yes, that’s a ‘77 housing. A much closer fit for the brace.
You may still need to grind/trim the brace, especially where the axle tubes meet the center of the housing. But it should be notably less grinding needed, in theory.


Bronco Guru
May 28, 2013
yes, that’s a ‘77 housing. A much closer fit for the brace.
You may still need to grind/trim the brace, especially where the axle tubes meet the center of the housing. But it should be notably less grinding needed, in theory.
Thanks, ordering soon and will report back on fitment!