I finally found those on the web. So I kept blowing the fuses, thought it was the coil. Replaced coil, still blew fuses. Unhooked TFI and still blew fuses when coil was plugged in. I hook coil and it was fine. Decided to unhook computer. Hooked up coil, no blown fuse. Hooked up TFI, no blown fuse. Saw on YouTube video you can get spark without computer hooked up, tried that, no spark. Hooked computer back up, no blown fuses anymore. No idea what was going on here. Still no spark. Since new coil, replaced TFI, no spark, replaced distributor pickup, no spark. Took test light in coil and saw I was getting pulse, so TFI, pickup is good and signal to coil is good. Took new coil back and warrantied it for another one, fired right up. I think it was coil the entire time first old then new. Not sure about fuses, anyway the computer grounded that circuit and got stuck? When I disconnected it rest? Anyway, I now fully understand the entire ignition system and how to trouble shoot with test light and spark indicator.