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RRRAAAYYY2 SVA Products - will not return warrantied alternator


electron whisperer
Aug 23, 2007
Gunni's pretty upset about the whole situation and i think he took the kidding around for what it looked like. He may not be back here.


Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
Gunni's pretty upset about the whole situation and i think he took the kidding around for what it looked like. He may not be back here.

I don't blame him either for being upset for not getting his alt back. i not sure if ray still works for them either, but if gunni talked to him recenlty maybe he does. hope it all works out.


Sr. Member
Apr 13, 2008
Gardnerville, NV
I'm sorry I took the first couple posts wrong.

I posted up because I wanted to warn possible future customers of the long wait I'm experiencing from Ray. And now, the total lack of communication. I found him here, through searches on how to install a 3G alt, and others doing the same should be forewarned of the experience I'm having. I can't blame him for the long shipping times to Canada, and as soon as I realized I had an issue, I regretted buying Canadian.

I only have Ray's email & the 800 number (on my SVA packaging) from my purchase to contact him at. I sent the alt back to Ray directly after calling the 800 number on the packaging directly. There was no mention of not being affiliated with SVA. I've been told he was going to take the alt apart and look it over and get back with me since Feb 13th, but there has been no communication back regarding the condition/return of the alt.

I hope I get the alt back. Ray has been helpful, answering every question, except when I'll get my part back. This is not a witch hunt, it is a customer's experience with a vendor, that may be important to someone who is considering buying from him.
Last edited:


Sr. Member
Apr 13, 2008
Gardnerville, NV
And, yes, I, as a user of an internet forum can be unavailable (unable to make follow up posts) for a couple weeks while I am in Alaska, and also training out of town on a new job.

A vendor should never ignore his business for a couple weeks. There should at least be a follow up email or phone call to explain a delay.


Jr. Member
Feb 1, 2011
I've known Gunnibronco personally for some time now and have only known him to be a straight up honest no BS kinda guy. If he says he has a problem, I believe him. Side with the vendor if you will, I'll stick with the person who's honesty has NEVER wavered.

Amen Entourage!


Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2005
Stephenville TEXAS
Wow I hate to hear any of this .. Ray was always the go2guy for years here.!!
... Being an old parts man for 30 years I laughed at myself as I bought one of his alt and his starter. I never installed either. As I jumped into the 4BT era.. I sold my alt to a member here and still have the starter.
.. But where I was going with this is that after I got them, I chuckled and ask myself why I didn't just go to the local guy and buy one.
...... But as Half Cab said also I wonder at how many post I post up to and mine is then the last post up...
.... Ray has always been a stand up Guy for all of us that have been here for the last 10 years or so.
... I guess it just ain't your week. Go buy yourself another and maybe this will resolve itself ..


Sr. Member
Apr 13, 2008
Gardnerville, NV
Alright guys, my phone message from this morning must have stirred the pot. I got an email from Ray a minute ago:

Hey, got your message today, understand you are pissed. i went to the shop last week, and no one was there, but didnt see your alternator so i assumed it had been shipped back to you. Had called them a couple of times and had no answer. Went back again today to see what was up. apparently he has been closed for a couple of weeks because of a hip surgery.
I had told him you were in a rush, and i am really sorry he didnt respond faster. It is getting shipped tomorrow. Not that that has done you a lot of good a month later, my apologies.

I'm sorry it all came to this, but some extra communication, as easy as Ray leaving me a message (I don't bring my phone to work), or a response to my last couple emails would have avoided this. I suppose I could have left an angry message for him, but I figured that since email seemed to be working for me & Ray, it was adequate.

Ray obviously has little or nothing to do with SVA anymore, and that may be the root of the problem. I wish he had explained things, and/or put me in touch with the right guys. I'm sorry I dragged his name through the dirt, but after a month of waiting, I got frustrated. I'll post up when I receive the alternator.

I'm not one to yell and scream at a guy, but I guess the squeaky wheel gets, well you know. I didn't leave a nasty message, I just stated that I was frustrated, and was done wasting my time and wouldn't call again.


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
Alright guys, my phone message from this morning must have stirred the pot. I got an email from Ray a minute ago:

Hey, got your message today, understand you are pissed. i went to the shop last week, and no one was there, but didnt see your alternator so i assumed it had been shipped back to you. Had called them a couple of times and had no answer. Went back again today to see what was up. apparently he has been closed for a couple of weeks because of a hip surgery.
I had told him you were in a rush, and i am really sorry he didnt respond faster. It is getting shipped tomorrow. Not that that has done you a lot of good a month later, my apologies.
Glad Ray got back to you and seems to be working it out. I would say 90% of the vendor problems (or problems between members buying/selling) could have been avoided by better communication.


Sr. Member
Apr 13, 2008
Gardnerville, NV
I'm very relieved to be getting to the bottom of this. I still don't understand why the SVA tech phone# (my only contact) is Ray's phone, as it seems he has little to do with the SVA shop anymore. If the lines of communication between Ray and "the shop" are so bad that he doesn't know its been closed for 2 weeks, there are serious issues. If I were Ray, I'd distance myself from SVA. At one time, I found myself answering for people I had no control of, and that was an uncomfortable situation. I quickly ended that situation. I actually feel bad for him, now.


Bronco Guru
Sep 9, 2001
Glad Ray got back to you and seems to be working it out. I would say 90% of the vendor problems (or problems between members buying/selling) could have been avoided by better communication.

agreed, thanks to this forum and a little shit sturin the problem has been fixed, i hope. without it he might not have ever seen his 3G again???


Sr. Member
Apr 13, 2008
Gardnerville, NV
I wrote Ray to ask about this situation and his relationship with SVA. He stated he hasn't been with SVA for 4 years, and SVA officially closed their doors as of January 1st. The are only now, "somewhat operational". He didn't put me in touch with the guy doing the repair work, because "he tends to be salty", and Ray liked working with us hobbiests. Ray sounds like he is done with the industry completely now, and moving on to other things.

Its too bad, I personally know how a bad business relationship/experience can affect a guy. I wrote him a note thanking him for his work on my behalf. I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I hope anyone who starts to read this thread gets to the end, and sees it was just a bad situation, and not Ray Knight's fault.

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
Glad it's workin out and teached me to quit stalking Skiddy;)


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
So is ray going to be lending his knowledge to another source for awesome alternators, or is the gig up and we're left with autozone/summit?


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
I hope anyone who starts to read this thread gets to the end, and sees it was just a bad situation, and not Ray Knight's fault.
Maybe edit your first post to include an update. And maybe edit the title to say "Issue Resolved" or something similar at the end. Unfortunately I don't think everyone reads to the bottom of every thread before forming opinions.


Bronco Guru
Nov 22, 2006
San Antonio, TX
Ray Knight? didn't he play 3rd base for the Cincinnati Reds and is married to pro golfer Nancy Lopez?


Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2007
I think more than anything this is the sign of the times, I live about 20 mins away from Ray , I bought a starter about 4 years ago from him and it has worked great , All those heavy duty north american parts ;D.
But like I'm sure in your area as well Starter/ Alternator , rad , muffler shops have disappeared I think transmission shops are next because rebuilding on a local scale doesn't make money anymore.
During my restore I wanted to get my rad checked over cleaned up etc. all the rad shops I remembered in my area had closed.
I'm pretty sure Ray and his dad had a pretty big thing going in the 80's possibly 90's as a rebuilder of starters/alternator for all vehicles , but when i met him he was running out of a shop on his property.

basically these days we expect cheap or discounts at our local NAPA etc. which has killed quality. Even the few that are left trying to rebuild local are having to by stuff from china etc.

were losing a lot of knowledge from these guys disappearing, who's going to start answering the questions he and other have been repyling to for years?
You can't google something thats not there.