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Special Operations Fundraiser Project Bronco Announcement


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
We are pleased to announce that at our recently held annual board meeting, Mid-Atlantic Early Broncos Board of Directors unanimously approved the undertaking of building an Early Bronco to be raffled or auctioned off to benefit a non-profit charitable organization which provides assistance to wounded special operations servicemen and to the families of those who are wounded or killed in action.

MEB is honored to have several members from this elite community of our military as members of our club. These men and their fellow team members are America’s true warriors!

The dedication, commitment, physical and mental toughness required to learn the skills and earn the trust needed to be accepted into this very select community within the armed services is more than most outside of this small community can truly comprehend (even for some of us who are “regular” service veterans). The willingness and eagerness of these warriors to put themselves into unimaginable harms way -during some of the most difficult, most secretive and most important missions - on a daily basis is what puts these men into a class of their own. For these reasons, MEB has decided to select one of the Special Operations related charitable organizations that provide assistance to these great Americans and their families as the beneficiary of this build.

As many of you may know from attending or reading about our events over the last 11+ years, MEB takes great pride and works very hard to put on first-rate events and functions for our members and the Bronco community as a whole. Accordingly, we take this endeavor very seriously and will do our best to ensure it is completed in a first-class manner which will enable us to achieve our goal of raising as much money and public awareness as possible for the selected organization.

The Cause:
A project committee has been established to evaluate the charitable organizations and to select one which we feel can best help us help them by working together to promote this project and maximize exposure to generate awareness and proceeds for these warriors and their families. We plan to select an organization that is able and willing to take an active role in making this build, and the subsequent tour to promote it, a success. Once we finalize our selection of the charity, we will present them with a conceptual plan of the build and ask them for suggestions of a project name that is befitting the organization and the servicemen that it supports.

The Vehicle:
Of course, it will be an Early Bronco! Our plan is to build a high quality Early Bronco that can be daily driven during the week and taken on challenging trails on the weekend. We are still reviewing many of the options available for drive train combinations and specific equipment to be used, but we are leaning towards the modern upgrades many of us wish for in our “dream Bronco”. We also want to make every reasonable effort to make this Bronco 50-state street legal so that the winner may register it, wherever they may live.

The MEB Board of Directors has agreed to provide a portion of the initial funds as working capital if needed. Additional funds will be solicited through private and corporate donations and sponsorships. A certified CPA has agreed to handle all accounting aspects of the project to ensure full transparency of the financials.

Although we would all like to have this done ASAP, the reality is that to undertake a project of this magnitude and to then properly promote it after it is built takes time. We want to generate maximum awareness and revenue in order to best help these warriors and their families.

Due to the widely dispersed membership of MEB, the location of the build has yet to be determined. Some work on subassemblies may take place in multiple locations by groups of local members. Automotive professionals who are willing to donate their time and expertise for this noble cause may also perform portions of the work. We may also use the 2011 and/or 2012 annual MEB Wrench & Roast as an event to join thes various parts and sub-assemblies together. We have several members with well-equipped facilities who are willing to make them available for various phases of this project.

Once we finalize the selection of the charity and establish the project name, we intend to create a dedicated, professionally hosted website for regular updates on the progress on the project.

Method of generating revenue for the charity:
We will be evaluating both the auction and raffle ticket sales options and the legal requirements and promotional costs to do each.

How you can help:
As this project progresses, there will be many ways for all of you to help keep this project on track to a successful completion. Some that come to mind are:

  • Cash donations
  • Donation of parts, labor or professional services
  • Assistance with establishing contacts to potential corporate sponsors
  • Assistance with contacting notable personalities/celebrities who may be interested in helping promote public awareness and fund raising for a great cause.
  • Bid high or purchase lots of raffle tickets (whichever method is selected for fundraising)!

Although there is much planning and work to be done to hammer out the details of this project, we wanted to put this out to let you all know what is in the works and to ask you to stay tuned if you have an interest in following or assisting as this project gets underway.


Drew Peroni
SpecOp Fundraiser Project Co-Chair
Founder, Director Mid-Atlantic Early Broncos
USN ‘89-‘94

Karl Bradley
SpecOp Fundraiser Project Co-Chair
Charter Member, Mid-Atlantic Early Broncos


Sr. Member
Dec 22, 2006
Abita Springs, LA
Awesome thing you all are doing there! Thank you for remembering and working for that elite group of warriors.
Are you all going to set up a paypal account that I can drop a few dollars in?



all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
I will do what ever i can. To start with I will offer up my rolling frame with title and glove box if this can help get the ball rolling. Has both axles still but no drivetrain. You guys are awesome and makes me proud to call you brothers and friends. Good luck with this and people NEED to get on board!

1974 with 74k
Last edited:


Sr. Member
Apr 3, 2009
Annapolis, MD
I will definitely do whatever I can. Once the project gets going I will send some feelers out to SOCOM leadership and see if there is a way to get any of them invovled. Please keep us up to date and let us know who, what, when and where.


Bronco Guru
Mar 18, 2004
Count me in for the paint work. I'm not sure if I can do it at work but I'll do the labor. I'll contact my local Spies rep and see what Dupont will do for materials once this starts rolling along.

The "Wounded Warriors" charity is a good place to start.


Bronco Guru
Dec 22, 2001
Austin, TX
I am about to leave, but this sounds like a great cause and I will help out with a donation.


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
Thanks for all the positive feedback and offers!

Having lead or been involved in several smaller scale benefit fundraisers, I know for sure that the Early Bronco community is some of the most giving bunch of people anywhere, automotive related or not!

I thought long and hard about this before posting this thread and am fully commited to doing everything I can to make this very special project as sucessful and beneficial for these heros as possible.

I wanted to get the word out before I head out to CA for the KOH race next week, and it looks like I have to move my departure by one day and leave tonight so I can try to get around the big storm headed my way.

Please stay tuned for more updates soon!

We will be developing a list of some specific items we will be looking for and will be setting up dedicated Paypal and bank accounts for contributions towards this project.


Bronco Guru
Jun 1, 2005
Ive got a brand new steering wheel that I'll donate if it fits the theme.


all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
again, if you need a platform to start....it's yours


Bronco Guru
Mar 18, 2004
Sounds like this project should be nominated for the 2012 Wrench and Roast. By then we should have the body and paint work done along with the sub assemblies. W&R weekend we can just put it all back together. We're getting good at it:) Then take it to Carlisle and other shows next summer to promote it.


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004
Hopefully the drive across country will give plenty of time to run more ideas etc............


all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
great work guys.....keep the ideas coming.
(the chassis does have the original 302 as well if that helps)


Sr. Member
Sep 16, 2009
Lewes, DE
I love projects like this and am willing to donate some spare/new parts to do my share.

I've got a set of black denim vinyl seats (new) from Tom's Bronco parts, complete with brackets. New, never used - one has some dust on it because I unwrapped it and it sat in the garage. The front seats are high-back buckets, the rear seat is a fold-and-tumble unit.

Complete Seats Package on Tom's

I also have a 50k mile 1987 Mustang 5.0 EFI motor (no harness, ECU or sensors); the heads were redone and an E303 cam installed. I've also got a GT40 intake setup for it (blasted and painted crinkle black, see pics below) and plenomic (sp?) spacer. I started painting it, but ended up going the route of a new 347 stroker. To go with it, I've got a cleaned/primed EB oil pan.



The motor will need the front dress, sensors, etc.

I'd just need the parts picked up - just sold my Dodge 3500, so I've got no way to transport the stuff.



Sr. Member
Sep 16, 2009
Lewes, DE
Come to think of it, if you want the replacement frame I have, I'll donate that too. It is ready for paint, has WH front hooks, Shock Jock rear mounts and the radius arm bracket moved back 11.25" for extended arms. Factory welds were smoothed out a little too much for my taste, so I replaced it with a mandrel bent TDK frame from Jeff's.



Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004
That is fantastic Ryan-Very nice offer. We are in a holding pattern till Drew gets back from KOH. Hopefully he will see this post when Randy gets there with his "card". I know he will also appreciate the generous offer.