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suggestions for DIY beadlocks?


Bronco Guru
Sep 24, 2002
I usually don't let my wife get me anything for Chrismas, but she's really bugging me this year. I have to get tires soon so might as well beadlock while I'm at it. Like my wheels and can weld with the best of them, so I'd like a DIY kit. Any suggestions? So far I'm leaning towards GLO.


Bronco Virtuoso
Oct 17, 2007
God's Country
I seen a guy over at the ORV Park one weekend that was running those internal bead locks by Staun. He said they were super easy to install (just drill a hole in your wheel) and they lock both sides of the tire where a lot of people just put the steel ones on one side. He said they were cheaper than the steel ones due to locking both sides and he said there are several brands to choose from that are cheaper than Staun. He had one tire cut down, so I got to look at one, and it looked like a big piece of fire hose that lays flat in the center of the wheel until the tire is mounted, then you air it up and it pushes out against both sides of the tire. This guy said he was running about 2 psi in his tires and never lost one. Just something I thought you might want to consider.


Jr. Member
May 14, 2008
Sandpoint, ID
i just watched an episode of extreme 4x4 and they had a diy internal dual beadlock system. they are made in Australia by Staun. the beadlock system is quite unique because it can be used on any wheel. it uses air pressure to clamp both beads inside the tire. the system uses a innertube and a case. when the innertube is inflated it puts pressure on the beads from the inside.
here is the link