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The Bronco Wave


Bronco God
Jun 16, 2001
Here where I live everbody waves at each other as we pass on the one lane each way roads. No freeways around here, just country driving and waving. When I go to the big city, people think I must be a maniac, but it's just friendly habit I don't care to break. When I wave at someone around here and they don't wave back, I just figure they must be from the big city and big shots and too bad for them. We have many different waves that we use around here too. There is the one index finger point towards the windshield, both right hand or left. The raised fingers off the steering wheel, in one, two or even three flexations of open and closed. The open hand rotating left and right is also popular. But for other broncos, it's the special out the window left hand in giant arcs up and down combined with an ending tomahawk type chop leading into a forward point with index finger extended and thumb up that best does the trick.<br><br>


New Member
Oct 18, 2002
Western PA
[quote author=Josh link=board=5;threadid=10861;start=0#79746 date=1036352751]<br>i have never had the privilidge to experience the "bronco wave" :( :'( mine has been the only bronco i have ever seen driving down the road. (guess it's time for a road trip out west ;D )<br>[/quote]<br><br>Head out to New Stanton someday. There's a few of us out here. I've been passing one for years down by Connelsville. We have a new car cruise/ice cream stand that operates in the summer. On Sundays it's a n all truck show. There's 2 BEAUTIFUL broncs that go to the local cruises from this area, I'm sure they are going to cones n chrome on Sundays.


Jr. Member
Jun 17, 2001
Hometown: Mooresville, NC School: NCSU Raleigh, N
I wave to the guys over I see at NC State (I saw a red one and a big brown one w/ what looked like 36"s and this good looking blue one). I feel retarded though because most times I'm just walking to class when I see em. Otherwise, I get waves and outright stares (from some pretty good looking girls I might add). We're definitely better than daddy bought my Wrangler and lift.


Full Member
Mar 6, 2002
Ft Collins, Colorado
Up here at CSU I usually get those stares to. Partly because they are trying to figure out what the hell I am driving. The sad thing is every person my age that I talk to keeps refering to it as a jeep on steroids. All I got to say is this new generation doesn't know shoot about trucks.


Bronco Guru
Jun 12, 2002
Groveland, CA
I like the fact that we wave to each other, although when I'm in my car I still want to wave but I'm too ambarrassed that I'm dirving a honda. :-[


Sr. Member
Aug 12, 2001
8)<br>drivin' around the so. ca. area, I think most wave if they<br>see you,the exceptions are the beach cruisin' yuppies<br>in their $25000 rocky roads built,never been off road<br>or worked on by the owner broncos.....<br> just my .02


yea what sucks the most is i've tore my bronco down again for the winter to fix that motor and paint the body.. now i have to drive the stock 2wd ranger and whenever i see a bronco i want to wave but it just isn't the same :'(


Bronco Guru
Sep 8, 2002
Waterford, MI
[quote author=broncodan1 link=board=5;threadid=10861;start=15#80095 date=1036438979]<br> 8)<br>drivin' around the so. ca. area, I think most wave if they<br>see you,the exceptions are the beach cruisin' yuppies<br>in their $25000 rocky roads built,never been off road<br>or worked on by the owner broncos.....<br> just my .02<br>[/quote]<br><br>There are 3 Broncos like that that go to my High School ;D ;D...right? Wrong these are the people who have the "daddy bought me a lefted Heep" attitude but with a Bronco...most of them are Preps and have never done one labor intesive activity. I tried talking to them, about mods and stuff, but they just have a blank look (deer in the headlights). The funniest thing is even though my Bronco is the roughest looking one....it is the most noticed. Mainly cause I drive it to School to work on in Auto Tech and for the past couple weeks it has been w/o doors. ::) I guess that it is good to see people driving Broncos, but to me......Having one and not using it or playing around with it is like owning a plane yet afraid to fly.


Bronco Guru
Jun 12, 2002
Groveland, CA
[quote author=jeepster link=board=5;threadid=10861;start=15#80161 date=1036453155]<br>ever get the one finger wave? ::) ;)<br>[/quote]<br><br>Was that you???


New Member
Jun 24, 2001
Jupiter FL
Seems like lately mine has been getting alot of waves.<br>Im also getting alot of people who say " I bought one of those brand new in 197....... best truck i ever owned. blah blah blah etc etc." I think my driver being stock(uncut fenders 235/75 radials stock paint) attracts the older crowd. Still cool though, those old guys sure have some stories. They really get talkative when i tell them i have 3 of them...... ;) I really got lucky the other night at dinner and the guy who bought mine from the orig owner stopped me and talked my ear off for half an hour. Really nice guy he put me on a lead on a 77 stock with a/c, gonna go check it out this weekend.<br>I also get the other kinda wave when i blow some rice rocket off the road or leave them sitting at a red light.<br>I guess that $3000 302 is finally paying off..... ;D<br>


Bronco Guru
Aug 1, 2002
Seattle, Washington
I used to own a yj, and those people would probably high five each other if they got close enough. <br><br>I get the wave from other EB drivers, but also from 70's HighBoys, old scouts, and old landcruisers. <br><br>Don't be offended if you don't see me wave back, fellers, its cause I'm afraid to take even one hand off the wheel for fear of the "lane change". I use the "index finger off the wheel" wave for everyones safety ;D<br><br>Astark, I'm with you. My work takes me to a lot of small towns, and I really enjoy seeing people acknowledge each other. Probably be a better world if we looked each other in the eye once in a while. <br><br>Hang in there, we're all in this together<br><br>Dan


Full Member
Sep 21, 2002
HAHAHAHA, MLOGANS24 was telling me about this one day....<br>"So, have you driven past another EB yet and gotten 'The Wave'??"<br>I got the BEST one last weekend...I was coming down out of the parking garage at a theater in Davis and I pulled around the corner to wait in line to exit, and there was a topless EB in front of me. The guy about broke his neck turning back all squirmy checkin my junk out...He waved and yelled "hey!! How ya doin!" it was the BEST. ;D I think his girlf was laughing at him in the passenger seat LOL<br>IT WAS AWESOME!!<br>Keep on waving boys, I'll wave back ;)<br><br>Amanda :-*


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2001
See CG-I told you it was real. Here in the central valley, I get them pretty often (when I see one on the road that is). I think the wave is more because when we wave its like saying-"Yeah I know how you feel-my wallet's empty too." ;D or "Hey buddy, I'll bet the wiring under your dash is on fire too." ;) Either way I think its cool-I like to think we're part of a Secret Brotherhood (Peoplehood for those ladies on the board now) ;D


Bronco Guru
Aug 20, 2002
::)Get the one finger wave only when someone in front is 'shorter' and all they see is the pipebumper on front telling them to MOVE! But when I'm in my Dodge Quad and wave at an EB they don't seem to realize that it could mean 'the EB is home' so come on EB brothers and sisters - when someone waves - WAVE BACK - whether it's from an EB or not - <br>'You never know' It could be........... ;D<br>