Well my Bronco Bretheren, I am back in full swing on my bronco. I have a big problem I discovered today and am needing some input from those who know where I am at. My door gaps are averaging between 1/8" to 3/16" and I plan on making them consistant after I replace the door skins which is my next big project. When I get into the tub, my gaps close and the doors rub at the top edge above the striker. Now my tub is pinned to the frame, not bolted and is sitting on the old rubber mounts. Is this flex I am getting due to that and will not happen when I bolt it down with new rubber bushings etc? If my gaps are too tight, I need to fix it now while it is easier rather than trying to do it after paint and the hard work of making the gaps parallel to each other and even. Please , anyone who has been where I am at, let me know if I have made more work for myself or if it is the old bushings and I dont need to worry. The frame is is supported at the ends with my carts so I am epecting to have a little spring effect being it is not on its suspension.