those are some wide wheels it looks like. Probably just the angle of the camera at the time, but it almost looks like they're bulging that tire out like a 12" wide wheel would!
The most common width for that "look" would be 10" wide, which would dictate that you stick with a 12.50" wide tire even if you go shorter. So that 33" mentioned would be the next logical move if you have to keep the wheels for now.
While you "can" go with a narrower tire, many shops wouldn't even mount a 10" wide tire on a 10" wide wheel because it's not within the manufacturer's specifications. And if you did manage to mount one, it's not the best for tire wear, handling or bead retention.
Not sure if you're going to do any off-roading with this rig or not, or if you will ever have occasion to run lower air pressures. So the whole bead-retention thing might not even come up. But it's there in the background, looming so to speak, so just wanted to mention it.
If those turn out to indeed be 12" wide wheels, your tire choices just got much narrower.
The good news is that your existing tires sure looks like they have not been used much. Should be easy enough to sell a set of 35 inch ProComps I would think. Assuming they're not too old that is.
Good luck.
Let us know when you determine the gear ratio. Yours could even have been optioned with 4.56 gears, but from your description it's more likely you still have the 4.11's I would think.