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'Tis the Season . . . What brings you Bronco Joy?


Jr. Member
Jan 25, 2004
Now, instead of my girlfriend asking me "What do you want for Christmas?", she asks, "What does the Bronco want for Christmas?".;D


Bronco Goddess
Apr 11, 2005

THAT is Bronco joy.

I also enjoy Bronco people. Met a helluva lot of good ones out there.


Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2006
Driving off wondering if I paid too much or worrying about having to tow it all the way home over 600 miles...and then... the very first time I pull over for gas an elderly "car collector" guy walks up and asks if it's for sale, and offers me "whatever I just paid for it". Then I get pulled over (TWICE!) on the way home by police, just to ask "where did you get that?" and "what did you have to give for her?" ALL the "thumbs up" I get when I drive around town. Last but not least, my kids LOVE this truck. My son nicknamed the truck "studly", and lights up with a BIG smile every time I head for the Bronco to go to town. And my daughter, she has referred to it as HER Bronco since the VERY second we laid eyes on it (and still insists). Unfortunately, the wife is still scared to ride with me, although she has a FEW times. She says it's too loud and I have a lead foot when I drive it. I know for a fact that she will warm up to our "Bronco-itis" just as soon as I take the top off for a summer drive. Wooo-Hoooo!


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2004
4x4babygirlI also enjoy Bronco people. Met a helluva lot of good ones out there.[/QUOTE said:
x 10. To me ..that factor above all others is what makes it a grand sport to be associated with.

Mtn Gote

Full Member
Jun 14, 2006
Sultan Wa.
Bronco Joy hmmm, easy question. Mainly all of the people just stare at it, I have had guys half way out of their vehicles while they are drive giving me the thumbs up. People asking if the halfcab was a conversion, the rumble of the dual exhaust, just overall driving it. Don't have kids but I hope they share the same feeling about the bronco as I do!:cool:


Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2005
Stephenville TEXAS
I go home after work grab a beer and drive over to the neighbors all of 400 yards ..then we go up and down the just" paved " road 2 or 3 mile ...discuss the days issuses ...then back home ....Just plain old time fun!!!
As kids in our town we had 2 Dairy Queens one on each side of town ...so
with gas only 25c we drove from one too the other ...honk at each other then stop at the other DQ turn up the radio ..load up in some ones else car ..tare out again ...a real Americian gerfittie...Out to the edge of town for a drag and back to DQ ..
Well I guess our 3 mile road is our new drag ...we mostly drive about 15 mph ...unless we're in his mustang uncaped ....sweet...but today after about a 100 it 's back down to cruising ...
"Wonder What The Poor Folks Are Doing" I hope I never grow-up..


Sr. Member
May 17, 2006
Taking it to school in the morning with no heater, freezing wind blowing on my ear through the window frame, and gripping the frozen steering wheel.


Jr. Member
Dec 10, 2004
St Louis
Pulling up to a light and a classic mussle car pulls up along side and the babe on the passenger side say's "Nice truck". Even with mud and a few dents. Its happened a few times and it lets me know that early broncos are a hot item. Even the old 6 banger has a nice idle sound, even though I would never go down the line against him.

Broncos n' VWs

Sr. Member
Nov 6, 2005
My Bronco joy is reminiscing about the day I bought my 75 Bronco. The previous owner's dad told me that there was something wrong with the transmission or clutch, "cause it don't work now even after we replaced the burnt clutch". He was getting ready to move and needed it gone that week, so we struck up a deal and I dragged it home. After a week of work (carb rebuild, alternator, and a battery), the Bronco fired right up. I shifted the transmission into first gear and it wouldn't go. After thinking for a minute, I had a moment of 'Divine Inspiration". I grabbed the wobbly J-shifter, slammed it into 4Lo, and dumped the clutch. It turned out that the whole reason "it don't work now" was because the P.O. had the T-case in neutral the whole time. I kinda feel bad about ripping this Bronco for next to nothing.

Also, turning a wrench on my Bronco is the best stress relief therapy for me.


Have Bronco, Will Travel
Feb 1, 2006
Cuchara, CO
Wow - some great replies.

I can identify with SaddleUp. I take pride in doing things on the Bronco - especially if its unique or what I think is original.

Great photo 4X4babygirl.

Also all the replies about the thumbs-ups, head jerking second looks, getting stopped to see if its for sale . . . those are great. People just don't see EBs on the street that much anymore.

And all the kids that think Broncos are really cool - that's awesome! I had my trail rig at a PA Ford Dealer's annual car show a while back. There were several Broncos there but all were relatively stock. Mine just happened to be the most built truck there. But there were quite a few really awesome cars there as well - a real Cobra, several Shelby Mustangs, some old T-birds, a 50's Crown Vic, and as I recall I think there was a Thunderbolt there too. But anyway a 14 or 15 year old kid came up to me and said that out of all the cars at the show he liked mine best! Now he obvously didn't know much about cars but it made me feel good anyway!

Great stories - keep em coming.
Last edited:

BG's 68 Bronco

Sr. Member
Nov 16, 2005
It gives you a good feeling when you have people double taking when you drive by, like Mad said, but for me it's hopping in the old bronc for a good romp. No matter how bad of a day i may have had it always brings a big grin to my face when I'm driving her... hmmm maybe it's the exhaust fumes I'm breathing in and it's making me high!

Oh well still puts a smile on my face.;D


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Scoop said:
And all the kids that think Broncos are really cool - that's awesome!
I agree, that's one of the best parts. I went to a few local shows last summer and even with mine half primered and mud still stuck to the underside the kids swarmed around it. One of the comments I get most from the kids is "How much does it take to build one like that".


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2002
St George Island, MD
Spending time with my Son and Daughter in Law laying some sweet flames on the hood.
Doing anything with my bronco brethren, you all are the best!!
The last couple of years I have been blessed with some great new friends, and all because of that little truck.
Having my Son's eyes light up every time I mention him spotting for me in the rocks.
Just the thought of him and I competing together.
Going to club events that are more like family reunions with a bunch of cousins you haven't met yet.

These things are bigger than all of the comments and looks I got while driving her, even when she was a pos.
Life is a lot less about things than we think and so much more about who we share those things with that matter.
You only live on in the memories of others....


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004
#??? :) - The friends I have made over the years in the eb world.
-My wife/best friend enjoys getting out to all things eb-hanging on to the oh crap handle at 4k spinning on slickrock, guardrail or hellopad to shows/cruises
-Knowing that in '07 FINALLY two projects may see the light of day, one chasis is about done and a '66 that has been in the back of my garage since 1999 will see some attention :)
Have a merry Christmas


Full Member
Feb 23, 2005
Having the only yellow bronco in the area. Everyone knows it and waves, even if they don't know me. Also asking a question on this board and not getting a bunch of smart ass answers. Its OK to learn and ask and its even ok to do something different to my truck and have folks understand I just want to do what I like.(even if it is a built 6 banger) This board brings Bronco Joy..............


Full Member
Mar 2, 2004
#101 Knowing the kids will be attending community college since there will be no money left for them if the bronco is ever finished ;D

#102 The bronco out in the garage is an outside escape when the wife gets a little bitchy

#103 The best and worst part of owning one is hearing my 8yr old son saying "I bet your going to sell this one too and lose money like the last one, why don't you just keep it" Reassures me that he likes it and says its his in 8 more yrs. I think he's becoming my financial advisor too SB


Full Member
May 1, 2005
Canton, NC
#104 The looks, the smiles, even the "hey nice j**p"s?:?%) , but mostly cause it's in my blood. I've been ridin in em since before I was born and hope it stays that way.

#105 The feeling of climbing a really nasty obsticle, knowing that it is all my handy work, break or not I can't blame anyone but my self. I like it that way;D

#106 OH, and getting to the top of that same obsticle and having someone say" Hey man nice truck, what'cha got in it" and I reply with a smirk of joy " just a 6 banger";D ;D

#107 The bronco community, At the Carlisle All Ford Nationals, the end of the day came eveyone started going their seperate ways except the bronco family. The police even stoped traffic to let the 30 or 40 broncos stay together. Thats just cool. No other group hangs out quite like bronco guys. Glad to have made so many friends in the Bronco world.
Oct 11, 2006
My Bronco joy is finally buying one after years of wanting one. Driving it all the way to So Cal from Colorado where I bought it. Taking the top and doors off the very next day, so that it is the way that I want. Best of all jacking up the credit cards to pay for all the crap that I need.