My Bronco joy is reminiscing about the day I bought my 75 Bronco. The previous owner's dad told me that there was something wrong with the transmission or clutch, "cause it don't work now even after we replaced the burnt clutch". He was getting ready to move and needed it gone that week, so we struck up a deal and I dragged it home. After a week of work (carb rebuild, alternator, and a battery), the Bronco fired right up. I shifted the transmission into first gear and it wouldn't go. After thinking for a minute, I had a moment of 'Divine Inspiration". I grabbed the wobbly J-shifter, slammed it into 4Lo, and dumped the clutch. It turned out that the whole reason "it don't work now" was because the P.O. had the T-case in neutral the whole time. I kinda feel bad about ripping this Bronco for next to nothing.
Also, turning a wrench on my Bronco is the best stress relief therapy for me.