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TITLE AMENDMENT: Vendor service issues. Advice???

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Bronco Madman
Jul 30, 2001
TBS-POPS is famous now and everyone here will connect him to this post....

With less than 40 post he may just as well save face and change his name and start new again.....%)

only 40 post and you Judge someones Character ? I have meet POPS he is a very good guy. Also I am not saying you are not you seam to be respected by your peers on this board But to bash someone you will never meet or personality Talk to is just wrong. Maybe it was a bad post but but it was not yours or anyone elses and he did not ask for opinions but got them mine too. But it got fixed Also please see and read post # 18 I to have have bad with BC But I still buy from them. We all have are favorites in everything

At this point I think we all should drop it

Thank You

Sorry if you got offended by my post I did not intend to bash or judge anyone here like you just did by judging me. I really don't care..
POPS is probably a nice kind respected man and we may cross paths one day and shake hands. But to vent anger about a vendor for a $13. or $16. part on a public forum is not the way to take care of the problem. There are others that got stiffed for a $1,200. part and still waiting, but that's another thread.
I still get charged shipping for everything that I order overseas,
Did I mention that shipping sucks?
It's the way of the world..

Some say I'm lucky to live in what others see as paradise, I'm lucky just to live.. I still need to pay shipping even for a refunded part.
Some may call me skilled with so many projects.. I have A.D.D.
Some may think I'm a perv...... Well, OK

People love or hate me here..... It really doesn't bother me.........

Like Dr. House says, "I need my Vicodin!"


Bronco Guru
Jun 16, 2007
valley springs, ca
Well, Just got home and OMG you boys have been busy!!! As noted the problem or issue has been resolved by WH.(pg.4-#60) They called me on my cell phone at 9am. Thank you Jim, Mark and the rest of the GREAT staff that works there so all our Bronco needs and wants are met!

Thank you Chuck (BCB) for taking the time to look at your web site and changing things so others won't have the same Issues that I've had. I admit that I should have thought more about the TITLE of this thread and will amend as soon as I finish this.You have built a strong following and should be very proud of that! I apologize for any ill feelings that this may have caused and will think twice before letting my "knee jerk reactions" guide my feble typing skills.

Thanks to ALL that have responded to this post! Those against me and those for me. It has put new enlightenment into this old 50 year old EB owner and will use my new found knowledge wisely..

With this said, This thread should end here.... POPS


Sr. Member
May 29, 2003
I apologize for any ill feelings that this may have caused and will think twice before letting my "knee jerk reactions" guide my feble typing skills.
With this said, This thread should end here.... POPS

You crotchity old bastid....;D

People here should know that this old coot is one of the great ones, but he is still an A$$ Hulio...
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