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Top Selection W/Rollbar


Bronco Guru
Dec 3, 2003
Stockton, Ca.
The Bestop measures about 47" from the floor to the top just in front of the seats at the door, 48" near the hump. Let me know if you need more.


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Each EB is going to vary in height inside due to variances during manufacturing along with years of use with what is a fairly flexible body. The best bet for measuring will be to adjust the windshield frame to the proper position and then measure from the top of it up. The Bestop riser will be 3 1/8" above it and the STC one will be 2" above it. In each case you could allow 1/2" or possibly even an 1" above those points since it shouldn't hurt if the top fabric is pushed up just a little there as long is it isn't pushed up near the sides. (Within a few inches of the door) From your pictures it looks like the sides should be ok with either top.