And I knew just which ad you were talking about as soon as I got the notification e-mail with the word "Maxell" in it!
I have a centerfold from some audio magazine (or maybe OMNI?) of that ad, plus a couple of copies on VHS that I took from the original MTV ads way back when.
I always put stuff I thought was cool after a movie, or show I'd recorded, if there was blank tape at the end of the reel.
Which of course there often was, so I have a ton of old music-videos and advertisements from when they first aired.
Yes, you could say they're a bit dated, but still fun as heck to see sometimes as a real memory-jogger.
So now you know what types you have here on the forums awsigear! Sometimes we stay focused on-topic, sometimes not so much. Can you say "segué"?%);D