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Bronco Guru
Sep 7, 2001
It depends on the circumstances; if mom & dad are buying/paying for it, I say hell no. If this is a deal where the kid is doing his own saving/financing and understands the potential cost, go for it. Both my boys have to pay their own way on their vehicles, the oldest saved up, the younger one is finacned thru me (in-house loan program, pay me a percentage of what you get paid until we're even). Any maintenance or upgrades come out of their pocket. I think it'll help them learn the value of the vehicles and they'll take better care of it or deal with the consequences.


Bronco Guru
Apr 22, 2002
Jacksonville, FL
Do what I did. Buy your own. It's mine, all mine. Titled to me, Insured to me, and it's being built by me. Dad wasn't all for it, but it is my money, I earned it and I can spend it how I see fit... ;D But lo and behold, I got a call last week, "Hey, Let's do some engine work on the Bronco." "Not right now Dad, I don't have the funds." "Then I'll pay..." ...I knew it was just a matter of time before he came around... 8)


Bronco Guru
Jun 28, 2002
Clovis, California
[quote author=JaxLax link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=15#110895 date=1046372063]
Do what I did. Buy your own. It's mine, all mine. Titled to me, Insured to me, and it's being built by me. Dad wasn't all for it, but it is my money, I earned it and I can spend it how I see fit... ;D But lo and behold, I got a call last week, "Hey, Let's do some engine work on the Bronco." "Not right now Dad, I don't have the funds." "Then I'll pay..." ...I knew it was just a matter of time before he came around... 8)

Tell your dad he can come work on mine too ;D


im at school now and wanted to check on my post from last night....it got 22 replies overnight! THANKS GUYS! I am going ti work over the summer and make money and i have a twin brother that i am sharing the car with that will put in money too. We firgure that we can make around $6000 combined to put towards the bronco, pluss we could add another $1000 from our bank accounts. Could i get s sweet eb with 7000 dollars? I would also love to do allt eh mechanical work, but i dont know much about the technical work and stuff. Please any more replies would be greatly appreciated.


Full Member
Dec 18, 2002
What is safety?

That is a question you have to ask yourself.

A vehicle is only as safe as the person who is driving it.

I must say that my dad was not happy when i brought my bronco home when I was 18. When I was 17 I rolled my dad's ford ranger. And when my dad was 16 he rolled my grandmother's Falcon wagon. these things happen. You have got to be ready for an accident, or mechanical problems....an eb will not be like a new vehicle unless you spend $20,000

The only people who are qualified to make this decison are you and your parents......no one knows better than you and your parents

If you do not respect how an early bronco handles and drives you will crash! Even the best drivers get in to accidents.


Sr. Member
Jul 18, 2001
Edgewood, NM
Hmmm.... Did he say "twin brother"? There must be an angle to exploit there somewhere... ;D

But, back to the question. I can't get over young guys having so much money nowadays! But, it doesn't matter. No matter how much they claim to have access to, it will never be enough! That's something to remember when you have to think about school, eating, dating, eating... you get the picture.

I'd have loved it if my son (now 22) had had the wherewithal (time and money) and the common sense required to handle a Bronco as his first vehicle. He had neither. That's why I would say one has to leave the decision with the youngster and his parents. They, after all, know him and the situation best. ;)


Bronco Guru
Sep 8, 2002
Waterford, MI
[move]HERES WHAT TO DO!!!![/move]

I know cause i did it. Go ahead and buy a a car with air bags. a really cheap car. Most parents want to make sure there kids are responisible. so get a car they like, take care of it, don't do ANYTHING stupid. Get good grades, take an interest....go to car shows, read magazines, put of pictures. If you THURST the idea of a Bronco on them, they will think it is a fad and not buy you one. So take your time, butter them up.....I KNOW I AM 17 did this to get my Bronco....oh and GET A JOB!!!!! it helps a lot because then you can pay for upgrades. But I am glad to see more High School anf College aged ppl taken interest in Classics, there may be hope for this race yet.


New Member
Feb 6, 2002
charlotte nc
ok, heres my story.....I am 17 years old and bought my first bronco about a year ago. to get my parents (who were as uptight as yours at first) to buy me one was to get the paying party i.e. my dad interested in old cars. he had issues with the old technology and the lack of airbags and so on. however i did lots of research and presented it to him and told him that this bronco is ALL steel. second i offered to buy a 5000 doller rust free one and put all the safety stuff on there to make him happy. since that glorious day when i got my 71, i have bought:

-6 point roll cage from W.H.
-front disk brakes
-power steering
-tilt column
-power brakes
3 pt. seat belts
-3 speed on floor
-B/F goodrinch all terrains
-many other small goodies

this has made my bronco as easy to handle as my sisters civic. plus throw in the fact that it is a 3 speed and can only go about 60-65 mph tops. my dad is really pround of the fact that is has been a year and i have not driven it for more than a week at a time, it is constanly needing upgrades. plus, now that he has driven it he has fallen in love with it. this worked for me. so give it a try and the best of luck ;D ;D ;D ;D


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2002
Why waste a good Bronco on a 16 year old. Go get a Toyota 4X4 and get your puberty out on that. then after you waste the engine or do something stupid and get those oats out of your pants. Then if you are truely a Bronco fanatic go buy your truck. I'm sorry I dont feel for you kid. No one gave me a car and if they did I would have damn happy to have taken any POS they happened to send my way. I hate this generation of pansy mommy give me this or I will cry bunch of woosies being bred these days. When you are man enough to buy your own and pay for your own insurance then you are man enough to deturmine what type of vechicle a man needs to drive. Or woman depending on the gender involved. You need a whole lot more growing up before you drive a Bronco. I believe that your parents see this in you and that is why your decisions have no respect. You havn't earned it yet. Chalk one up for the parents.


hey well im just turned 16 and my dad helped my build mine with a pretty decinte 302 power plant and dosent care what i do he just wont let me get a lift in fear of a roll over but tell your parents about the moter bike thing i told my parents i wanted a cratch rocket and they just about shit them selfs let me tell you i think they would let me get any thing over a street bick or telll them that you need a bronco to do good deeds like pull peps out of the ditch or something like that or that ther better of getting you a bronco cuz if you hit somethig you can just fix it spray bomb it and be done rather than taking it to the body shope and paying lots of money to get it fixed o and with a bronco you really cant go that fast cuz iv been up to about 85 in mine and that was to much it was shaking like hell and really scary


Sr. Member
Mar 6, 2002
Ft Collins, Colorado
I am 20 now and my bronco was my second car. 2 years ago my sister got her licence and wanted a car so I decided to sell her my pathfinder and get a bronco. I had been interested in 4X4's for a while, but had never worked on cars whatsoever. 2 years later I have a rebuilt engine, disk brakes, new rear end, roll cage, np 435, and a bunch of other stuff. I did most of the stuff by myself except for the welding. I would say go for it and try to convince them to get one as long as you are responsible enought to have one. There will always be things to fix and if you are too lazy, this will not be the truck for you.


Sr. Member
Jan 29, 2002
Austin, Texas
Here is my take:

I was fortunate enough to have my dad buy my first car. I was also smart enough to not wreck it while it was in my hands. I made good grades in high school and went off to college to pursue an engineering degree. After a year I really needed a car to get around in and had saved up some money to do so. An older truck appealed to me because I had always worked on trucks, and I figured they would be cheaper to maintain. After I got into the bronco I had no idea how much time it would/could take up. I ended up failing a couple of classes and doing poorly in school. In addition I had no money. Point is I wasn't prepared for an older truck, especially one I had no information, other than the basics, on. My point is now at age 22 I'm paying for my lack of research, hasty decisions and bad priorities. My suggestion would be to take the car your parents are comfortable with and learn to drive safely. Hang around here and learn about broncos and what to look out for especially when buying one. I paid close to 5500 for one that had a tired 302, no power brakes and trashed interior, among other things. Thousands later, just to keep it going, I love it and know more now, but I have debt and still kick myself for doing bad in school...I used to go to calculus with the Haynes manual for broncos instead of my book!? Anyway, take your time and become a member here.



Just a Bronco guy !
Sep 10, 2002
Niskayuna N.Y.
Tell them you want one with the 38's and 3.50 gear package. That will keep you out of trouble ;D. Do you have a way of showing them a early Bronco up close ? If so, just show them that hinge on the bottom of the windshield. Tell them the "hinge" works way better than a air bag. When you hit the windshield it just folds down. Now onto the truth, let them buy you a car ( a cheap car ) AND a old Bronco that needs some work. Tell them you will drive the car while working or fixing up the Bronco and that way you can prove you will be a responsible driver. If you prove to them you are not irresponsible then I don't think they will have a problem with a Bronco. Just another opinion


Bronco Guru
Jul 28, 2001
[quote author=rusty truck link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=15#111019 date=1046391425]
Why waste a good Bronco on a 16 year old. Go get a Toyota 4X4 and get your puberty out on that. then after you waste the engine or do something stupid and get those oats out of your pants. Then if you are truely a Bronco fanatic go buy your truck. I'm sorry I dont feel for you kid. No one gave me a car and if they did I would have damn happy to have taken any POS they happened to send my way. I hate this generation of pansy mommy give me this or I will cry bunch of woosies being bred these days. When you are man enough to buy your own and pay for your own insurance then you are man enough to deturmine what type of vechicle a man needs to drive. Or woman depending on the gender involved. You need a whole lot more growing up before you drive a Bronco. I believe that your parents see this in you and that is why your decisions have no respect. You havn't earned it yet. Chalk one up for the parents.
Not trying to start a pissing contest here but I disagree. This kid just got done telling us that he is planning to work to save up the money and buy it himself. It sounds like his parents are more against it for safety issues. I agree that many kids are given whatever they want these days, but I see no problem with this kid saving his money and buying an outfit that he really wants. I wonder what would have happened to me if someone told me not to buy my first 67 mustang when I was 16 and learn how to work on it. Broncos aren't just for big boys, they are for teenagers too, if they are passionate about them.


Bronco Totalitarian
Jul 30, 2001
Reno, NV
I figure if you make a plan to upgrade a major drivetrain component for every year of driving experience. I got mine when I was 15 years old my Bronco was the vehicle I learned to drive. My parents didn't really care about airbags, just that I had good brakes. So the first year was a '76 2-barrel, second year was a 7" lift with gobs of travel, third year was a '69 4V 302, 4 speed OD, 4 wheel disc brakes, and Detroit Locker rear. Now in it's Now at 19, with the Bronco in its 4th year under my wing, it is getting even more power by means of a 500 Horse 408 Stroker. The point of all this being: start off small learning to do minor stuff, then move to higher aspirations as you learn more. Just my view on it from my experience.



Full Member
Jan 7, 2003
. wilmington MA
36 replys so far make sure the folks see this thread, bought my EB when i was in high school it's still going strong, been a broncohead for 27 years i'm still going strong


Sr. Member
Nov 9, 2001
Monroe, GA
[quote author=grant_71 link=board=5;threadid=14694;start=0#110727 date=1046319967]
HA HA HA, Better idea, tell them that to save on gas, you're going to buy a MOTORCYCLE instaed, then see what they say!!!

That's exactly what my father-inlaw did for his first mustang he wanted one but his folks didn't think it was safe so he laid off the mustang thing for awhile an told them he was gonna get a motorcycle. the next week his dad bouoght him a mustang.


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
san diego

you know, what i say is f#*k `em if it`s your cash buy it!
don`t let anyone tell you can`t have something you really want. my wife tries that and to save an argument i just buy it and don`t tell her. don`t listen to what these old bastards say you do what you want!