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Mine has the typical chevy front discs with stock drums. This vintage should be a non synthetic. Is everyone using DOT 3 or DOT 5.1?
I've used Dot 5 in almost every vehicle I've owned for the last 25 years. No issues with mushy brake pedal or any other issues. I just don't need to worry about melting paint during any type of system maintenance.
Since I've inherited dot 5, I'll have to stick w/ it. Hoping that my switch from manual to hydro boost has no problems w/ air in line or turbulance causing bubbles. Guess we'll see! Using 93 Astro boost, Camaro M/C and "tee'd" line returns into P/S pump (straight shot for the steering line). I am re-using my proportional valve... can't wait, but still a little nervous.
-DOT 5 doesnt mix at all with dot 3 and 4. If you spring a leak on the trail and dont have any DOT 5 with you, you CANNOT add 3/4 to your system! (it will create a sludge that cannot be flushed out)
-DOT 5 will aerate easyer than the 3/4 which on the trail could be problematic.
-DOT 5 compresses easyer than 3/4, which could make the pedal feel mushy.
-DOT 5 does not change color to tip the user of its moisture content.
-DOT 5 neither accepts nor disperses moisture leaving the system more corrosion prone, requiring regular flushing!
-DOT 5 contains no lubricity making it incompatable with some valving in anti-lock brake systems
My opinion is that DOT 5 is verry high maitance and should be only used in race applications if at all ever! Now if you want to talk about DOT 5.1 thats a different story! I had thought about using 5 until i knew more about it. Stay away!