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Where did all the "REAL" parts guys go??


Bronco Guru
Sep 6, 2003
I had a small mom & pop store 1 mile from my house,closed down 5 years ago.
They just got too old I think he had a stroke, it was nice cause they turned rotors, no computers and the old lady could kick any-ones ass looking up parts.

we have a Napa as someone else said they are arrogant and high priced.

I like the days when I managed a station and could deal with the whorehouse directly get shit at a good price and delivered.


Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2009
DAMN PARTS GUYS! oh, wait.....never mind. close to 30 years in on it now, a couple independents, over 28 with Ford..... Sad when we have to call outside if i can't look it up myself
Give me a call if you ever need something looked up or located! :cool:

Yep, been there and bought a few parts off of the creature of the woods....;)


New Member
Mar 18, 2014
Hinkley, CA
I been gettin parts from the same place for 35 yrs in Barstow, Ca. (15 miles from home), CT SALES. Private owned by the same guy and has had the same counter man for the past 45 yrs. Only need to give Y,M&M when pickin up parts for a customers car. They know everything I own. I just have to tell em what I need and for what vehicle, (Rodeo, Bronco or M/H). If they don't have it, it will be there by 1:00 pm the next day. The only thing I ever had to go to Napa for were the special order $8.00 a piece Denzo spark plugs for my 2000 Rodeo. Nobody else in the area could even get em and it took a week.


Jr. Member
Nov 3, 2013
Chattanooga TN
I held a part time spot(2nd job) at Advance for 2 years. They offered me management positions but I always turned them down because they didn't want to pay management wages. I think the most I was offered was like $10hr. I like to think I was one of the few good ones left. I saw how their corporate (aka best buy rejects) people were steering the company for the employees so I decided to jump ship. In the year I have been gone, there is no longer any of the same people that I worked with there. Most have went to O'Riellys. They seem to be a better company to work for and have more knowledgeable people in my area. I know the district manager and he don't like to hire dumbasses.